© UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA—SUMMARY Recommendations ׳, . Estimate 23־1922 22־1921 21־1920 Funds Available Balance 20־1919 , Expenditures Funds Balance .19־1918 - Expenditures Funds Description $218,082.50 $346,154.00 $347,654.00 $41,950.00 $99,500.00 $100,500.00 $.54 $239,757.78* $239,757.78 Maintenance—Summary ............ $215,312.27 $215,311.73 $25.24 $41,950.00 $41,950.00 $87.86 $421,417.89 $288,606.84 $132,811.05 $513,392.29 $237,695.40 $243,881.00 $31,550.00 $29,556.17 $1,993.83 $31,550.00'. $33,000.00 $33,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 7,500.00 5,393.95 393.95 b 6,759.36 b 21,759.36 1,900.28 141,141.00 75׳194*15 12,569.21 145,000.00 1,900.28 b 93,641.00 b 194-75,״8 ״ b ^ 12,569.21 b 9,606.05 3,240.64 10,599.72 3,859.00 25,000.00 9,205.25 63,404.97 10,000.00 10,000.00 12.500.00 97.500.00 25,000.00 17.400.00 75,974.18 a Improvement—-Summary ..$40,908.61 .$40,933.85 ״.״״.״ General Funds״..............$109,217.88 $109,305.74 , $15,000.00 $15,000.00 25,028.85 25,022.40 6.45 31,000.00 29,722.20 1,277.80 31,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 6,004.15 ,6,004.15 7,433.71 7,433.71 10,000:00 21,695.40 24,381.00 3,000.62 3,000.62 4,500.00 3,524.70 975.30 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00׳ 6,078.12 ' 6,056.63 21.49 25,160.00 24,976.63 183.37 26,160.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 2,683.52 2,665.62 17.90 3,175.00 3,174.95 ׳ 05. 2,575.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,611.69 4,594.95 16.74 4,490.00 4,475.96 14.04 4,540.00 4,500.00 6,000.00 3,175.43 3,155.74 19.69 3,000.00 2,986.21 13.79 b 3,013.79 6,791.94 6,791.94 9,000.00 8,769.65 230.35 ־ 9,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.41 2,999.41 1.00 4,260.00 3,363.83 896.17 4,260.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,627.50 2,627.50 ' 2,400.00 2,292.15 107.85 2,400.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,690.20 ' 3,690.20 6,090.00 4,705.97 1,384.03 b 7,074.03. 6,500.00 7,000.00 10,001.70 9,997.11 4.59 16,510.00 16,283.03 226.97 b 12,736.97 19,000.00 25,000.00 ' 3,136.19 3,136.19 5,925.00 5,925.00 4,825.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 11,868.77 11,868.77 12,500.00: 12,500.00 12,500.00 15,000.00 " 15,000.00 2,606.65 2,606.65 6,050.00; - 4,001.05 2,048.95 b 4,298.95 6,000.00 6,000.00 $365,551.86 $365,438.22 $113.64 $703,125.67 $570,314.62 $132,811.05 $773,424.79 $683,349.40 $692,035.00 $23,616.81 $23,375.37 $241.44 $24,851.44 $16,000.94 $8,850.50 $8,850.50 $16,004.15 $16,004.15 , 1 $17,433.71 4.288.68 $17,433.71 4,288.68 15,000.00 $18,863.27 4,288.68 15,000.00 $25,314.40 6,381.00 15,000.00 $28,000.00 6,381.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15.000.00 15,000.00 50,000.00 49,800.00 200.00 50.200.00 50,195.44 4.56 50,004.56 50,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 . ־־־ 15,000.00 15 ;000.00 . 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 $96,004.15 $95,804.15 $200.00 $101,922.39 $101,917.83 4.56 $103,156.51 $111,695.40 $114,381.00 Deaf and Dumb School............ Bureau of Mines................. Co-operative Agric. Extension.. Dry Farming.............. ..׳״״ University Extension.................. Date Palm Orchard............... Sulphur Springs Valley Dry Farm —................—..... Surface Water Investigation...... Printing ...................... Plant Introduction.............. Underflow Water Investigation Prescott Dry Farm................ Salt River Valley Exper. Farm Date Palm Orch. and Horti. Sta. University Farm Maintenance-University Farm Improvement Citrus Investigation............ Agricultural Research......—......... Cochise County ,Water Investigation ............—.״.... Date Palm Orchard and Horticultural Lands.............— Deaf, Dumb and Blind Building Campus Extension................ Campus and Greenhouse............. Women’s Dormitory......... ......... Men’s Dormitory.......—........ Experimental Farm Sales. Federal Appropriations Smith-Lever Fund......... Federal Extension Fund. Hatch Fund———.......... Morrill Fund......״״... Adams Fund.......... ..$773,424.79 .. 127,132.29 Funds Available 1920-21.... Less Balances Forward (b). Funds Available 1919-20...........................................$703,125.67״ Less Receipts other sources* (a).— 97,649.46 Appropriations ................$546,292.50 $605,476.21״ Appropriations *Appropriation ...........$218,082.50 Receipts —-............ 21,675.28 $239,757.78 (a) $75,974.18 taken over from Commission of State Institutions. — 97 —