$450.00 per month, according to the number of horses issued to the guard for training purposes. 15. Owing to the increase of the personnel in the guard it will be necessary for the Adjutant General to enlarge his clerical force from time to time in order to properly care for the additional necessary work. 16. Estimated that the average armory will cost approximately $3,000.00 to erect, and the erection of five per year would about meet the requirements. At present the War Department is working on a plan whereby Federal aid may be obtainable for the erection of armories. Statement of funds required by the Military Department to properly carry out the program as laid down for Arizona by the War Department, attached. W. S. INGALLS. 23־1922 1922-23 1921-22 11.340.00 $ .....״ ״״ ״. ״״ ״״״ 2.625.00 ................ .....!״״ 1.875.00 ................ .״״״״״... ........... 10,000.00 20,000.00 1.650.00 .......... ............... 2.250.00 .......... .......... 95,000.00 70,000.00 4.500.00 ..... ............... 12,000.00 8,000.00 3.000. 00 ................ ................ ........... 9,000.00 9,000.00 1.575.00 ...״ ״ .״. 5.500.00 ........... .............. 7.125.00 ................ ................ 6.300.00 ........... ........ ........... 8,400.00 6,000.00 21.600.00 .......... ................ ........ 92,000.00 48,000.00 42.000. 00 .......... ............... .......... 137,000.00 112,000.00 2,400.00 .......'...... 42,000.00 31,000.00 36,000.00 28,000.00 20.000. 00 ............................ 150,000.00 ........ ״.............. 1921-22 Company fund or State allowance for organizations...^ 8,640.00 State rifle matches (National Rifle Association)......... 1,875.00 . Installation *of rifle ranges. 3,750.00 Amount government aid to be obtained on ranges״........ ....... Maintenance of rifle ranges.. 1,200.00 Promotion of marksmanship 1,800.00 Government aid in promotion of rifle practice.................. Rifle competition (State 14 days) ..................... 3,000.00 Government aid in rifle competition ............................... Rifle team to.National matches .............:... 3,000.00 Government aid to National matches ........................... Transportation, etc., account of new organizations....... 3,150.00 Rentals, pending building of armories ״״״״״״״״״.5,500.00 Maintenance of armories, including insurance.....״......4,625.00 Pay of armorers............... 3,600.00 Government pay to armorers ............. Armory drill pay (enlisted men) ................... 15,200.00 Government pay to enlisted men .................... ...... Camp of instruction............ 35,250.00 Camps of instruction (government)..........................—....... Uniform allowances (officers) 1,600.00 Armory drill pay (officers).... ........ Pay of caretakers for animals (government) ...................... Expense of Adjutant General’s office.............. 15,000.00 New armories (erection of).150,000.00 .״ $257,190.00 $332,000.00 $441,400.00 $283,740.00 Estimate of funds required by the Military Department during the fiscal year 1922 and 1923: November 15, 1920. To the Governor of Arizona : 1. With reference to estimate of funds required by the Military Department during the fiscal year 1922 and 1923, to meet the requirements of the War Department is: 450 enlisted men per each senator and representative, total of 1350 enlisted men must be in the service by June 30th, 1922; and 150 more enlisted men per senator and representative by June 30th, 1923, making 1800; to be enlisted by June 30th, 1924, 2400 men. 2. Estimate that eight units will be organized by June 30, 1921; 16 units by June 30th, 1922; and 21 units by June 30th, 1923. Total authorized for the State, 27 units. Company fund allowances estimated at $80.00 per month for 12 organizations. 3. State rifle matches estimated at five National Guard teams 1922 and eight National Guard teams 1923. These teams consist of eight men each. 4. Rifle ranges estimated six (four target) ranges to be installed in 1922 and three (four target) ranges to be installed in. 1923. This estimate is based on government aid being a little better than $3,000.00 per range. 5. Promotion of marksmanship, based on $150.00 per organization for twelve organizations in 1922 and fifteen organizations in 1923. This money to be expended in small-bore work and for buying trophies, cups, medals, etc. Arrangements are already under way for a National Guard inter-area match to be held during the winter months. The government will spend $100.00 per man for every man that takes an active part in this practice. 6. Fourteen days’ state rifle competition. This to cover pay and transportation for selected men from each organization for purpose of selecting a team for the National matches. The government will furnish subsistence and government pay for teams from organizations that have qualified 75% of their personnel. 7. Rifle team for National matches includes a personnel of eighteen officers and enlisted men to the National matches. 8. It is necessary that the State furnish the transportation for all government supplies and material issued to the National Guard troops from the cars to the armory. 9. Until such time as suitable armories are constructed it will be necessary for the State to furnish suitable protection for government property. Once armories are constructed they should be self-sustaining. 10. Government compensation for armories has been found to be insufficient to obtain the proper type of men for this important work. However it Is the intention of the government that the State should bear part of this burden. 11. Armory drill pay for the enlisted men is based on fifty cents per week per enlisted man and 60% of the enlisted personnel qualifying for this pay. The government allows each man one day’s pay of his grade for each drill attended. 12. Pay of enlisted men for camp of instruction is taken from the State law on pay for enlisted men when attending camps of instruction. This amount also includes the cost of mobilization. The government pays all subsistence and transportation, and also pays all men the pay of their grade for the time authorized. 13. The uniform allowance for officers is $40.00 per year per officer for his equipment. The government allows each officer one day’s pay for that of his grade for every authorized drill he attends. 14. For each mounted organization the government allows $75.00 to