Recommendations $6,000.00 $6,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 ARIZONA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT—OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER (a) 1920-21 Estimate Balance Funds Available 1921-22 1922-23 $8,000.00 2,500.00 $8,000.00 2,500.00 $3,000.00 2,500.00 .86 $.86 $5,500.00 $10,500.00 $10,500.00 20־1919 Balance Appropriations Expenditures $3,000.00 2,499.14 $3,000.00 2,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,499.14 1918-19 Expenditures $3,000.00 2,500.00 Funds $3,000.00 2,500.00 Description Salary—• State Engineer.......... Traveling Expense.... $5,500.00 $5,500.00 FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1920. Total Balance Available Expenditures June 30, 1920 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR $12,052.38 1,042.52 1,745.46 1.69 4,262.48 11,150.07 12,060.70 13,774.48 10,178.04 5.61 2,613.96 2,733.01 16,664.04 206.53 45.000. 00 25.000. 00 60.46 62,251.21 12,405.24 50.000. 00 25,372.50 13,154.19 $321,734.57 (e) Emergency Expenditures $1,242.72 174,219.98 13,921.85 119,292.62 17,625.35 31,557.66 62,272.32 4,069.54 587.90 67,471.41 64,800.90 6,253.22 135,249.28 6,214.32 60,000.00 396,663.04 191,225.41 307,382.06 ’iö’ööö'.öö 99,939.54 2,748.79 37,594.76 50׳~627־29 31,845.81 3,009.12 $13,295.10 175,262.50 15,667.31 119,294.31 21,887.83 42,707.73 74.333.02 17.844.02 10,765.94' 67.477.02 64,800.90 8,867.18 137,982.29 22,878.36 60,000.00 396,869.57 191,225.41 307,382.06 45.000. 00 35.000. 00 100,000.00 65.000. 00 50.000. 00 50.000. 00 55.000. 00 45.000. 00 3,009.12 $2,196,549.67 $1,874,815.10 (d) Special Appropriation Receipts $6,467.98 (b) 129,106.85 (b) 15,667.31 (b) 121,719.88 (b) 10,074.83 (b) 32,959.90 (b) 75,488.00 (b) 17,402.78 (b) 8,358.86 (b) 48,409.37 (b). 51,803.80 (b) 12,988.20 (c) 8,486.55 (b) 100,562.03 (b) 14,910.40 (b) 60.000. 00 (b) 213,806.18 (b) 191,225.41 307,382.06 (c) 45.000. 00 (d) 35.000. 00 (d) 100,000.00 (d) 65.000. 00 (d) 50.000. 00(d) 50.000. 00 (e) 55.000. 00 (e) 45.000. 00 (d) Balance July 1,1919 State Road Tax—Counties— Apache .........-.....——...... $6,827.12 Cochise ........-.......-----. 46,155.65 Coconino —....—....-....... ־־־־־......־:־“־־ Gila...............-........... *2,425.57 Graham -....——.....—.......... 11,813.00 Greenlee ————————............- 9,747.83 Maricopa.. — —.........—-.... *1,154.98 Mohave ...................-... 441.24 Navajo...״....-....——..... 2,407.08 Pima 19,067.65 .......-......״״........״״1...״״.״.״ Pinal...........—...8.90 Santa Cruz............—....380.63 ־—״ Yavapai ..........——........... 37,420.26 Yuma .......—— ״״r. 7,967.96 Other Sources.............-... Prison Fund....״.—..——..... — ........ State Road Tax—General...— 183,063.39 Motor Vehicle Fees...—— — Federal Aid.....— ——.......... Additional Imprest Fund...—............—־— Williams-Clarkdale ..... Superior-Miami —-.......... .........— Gila River Bridge (San Carlos) —.......... Arrowhead Trail.—.....—.. ................ Sacaton Power Line—————— ...- Agua Fria Bridge.......—...... , —........ Tempe Bridge.........——....... Gila River Bridge (Greenlee).... 3,009.12 $1,871,820.39 (c) Federal Aid $324,729.28 (b) Taxes *Overdraft (a) General Fund Expenditures other than actual road construction and maintenance included in above. Freight and Dray on Equipment—.......-....-.. 189,974.95 Printing, etc.....—......-................... 1,964.10 Telephone and Telegraph—.......״..............2,141,22 Miscellaneous ......״.........................659.48 $312,834.01 Land and Buildings...................-............$ 22,929.35 Salaries Engineering Department—............— 50,773.58 Salaries Accounting Department.........——......... 27,751.75 Traveling Expense........................-........ Stationery and Supplies.........——-......-....... 11,496.96 Postage ...................-...................... 1,187.20 — 91 —