SECTION IV.—Detail of Expenditures for Maintenance of Teacher Training and Supervision. 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $17,662.23 8,831.11 AMOUNT TEACHER TRAINING OF EXPENDITURES FOR MAINTENANCE FOR OF TEACHER TRAINING STATE SUPERVISION AND SUPERVISION TOTAL FOR TEACHER TRAINING AND STATE SUPERVISION From Federal funds ' (for reimbursement)* Total From State funds (not ■ reimbursed from Federal funds) From Federal funds (for reimbursement)* Total ■ ׳ 0 From State and local funds (not reimbursed) t From Federal funds (for reimbursement) $ Total Item 3 4 - . 5 - 6 7 8 9 . 10 $ 833.30 41.25 • $ 1,666.61 82.50 AGRICULTURE $ 1,041.70 $ 1,041.70 $ 2,083.43 / ■ $ 1,875.01 41.25 $ 1,875.00 41.25 $ 3,750.01 82.50 1° 2 3 292.36 584.73 502.06 502.06 , 1,004.12 794.43 794.42 1,588.85 4 5 6 7 8 . « 9 $ 1,166.91 $ 2,333.84 $ 1,543.76 $ 1,543.76 $ 3,087.52 $2,710.69 $ 2,710.67 $ 5,421.36 « TRADE AND INDUSTRY $ 343.74 $ 687.48 . $ 1,252.00 • $ 1,252.00 $ 2,504.00 $ 1,595.74 $ 1,595.74 $ 3,191.48 1 2 . 3 614.96 614.96 1,229.92 614.96 614.96 1,229.92 4 $ 3,909.73 $ 3,909.74 $ 7,819.47 $ 5,807.17 . $ 5,807.16 $11,614.33 41.25 41.25 82.50 2,363.32 ׳ 2,363.31 4,726.63 619.38 619.39 1,238.77 $ 3,282.70 $ 1,641:35 $ 1,641.35 2,897.22 $ 1,448.62 TOTAL AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND INDUSTRY, AND HOME ECONOMICS 8,831.12 6,570.72 $ 42״3״53׳׳3׳" $10,104.14 3,285.36 $ 1,766.71״ 5,052.07 $ 3,285.36 $ 1,766.71״ 5,052.07 $ $ 3,404.07 82.50 21״1,193 " 238.77־1־ $ 5,918.55 1,702.03 41.25 59660״ 619.39 $ 2,959.27 From State funds (not reimbursed from Federal funds) 2 $ 833.31 41.25 From local funds (not reimbursed from State or Federal funds) 1 292.37 $ 1,166.93 $ 343.74 $ 1,448.61 $ 1,702.04 41.25 596*61 * 619.38 $ 2,959.28 $ 343.74 • $ ,343.74 $ 687.48 • $ 1,866.96 $ 1,866.96 : $ 3,733.92 $ 2,210.70 $ 2,210.70 $ 4,421.40 HOME ECONOMICS $- . $ 524.99 $ 524.99 $ 1,049.98 $ 991.66 $ 991.66 i $ 1,983.32 $ 2,336.42 $ 2,336.42 ' $ 4,672.84 304.24 304.24 608.48 649.69 649.69 1,299.38 . 953.93 953.93 1,907.86 619.38 619.39 1,238.77 619.38 619.39 1,238.77 trade and industry, and home economics, respectively, must be identical with totals of requisitions disbursing Federal money, as given in Section V, columns 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. 5 ±Sum of amounts «־iven in columns 3 and 6. **Totals for columns 1, 8, 9 and 10 must be identical with totals of expenditures for teacher training in Section II, 3a, 3b and 3c. - —85— . ITEM 1. Salaries of teachers or supervisors.......... 2. Clerical service....״״....................... 3. Light and Heat............״״״״..........-.... 4. Travel ....-:״.......״״.....״״..״............ 5. Communication ״.....״ - ״״—״...........—— 6. Rent ...............״..״.............-.....—- 7. Printing ..__״״״״״״.......................... 8. Supplies .....—.................״.״—.-.......... 9. Janitor service......................-.... Total** .........:״.״.—................. 1. Salaries of teachers or supervisors״״״........ 2. Clerical service.........״״...........״״״״״״. 3. Light and Heat..״............................- 4. Travel .................-..—...........—..... 5. Communication ............״״״״״״.״........... 6. Rent .............-....-..........״״״״..״...״.״ 7. Printing ..............-..................... 8. Supplies ................................־־—• 9. Janitor service״״............................ Total** .......—-................—...... 1. Salaries of teachers or supervisors......... 2. Clerical service........״״״״....-............ 3. Light and Heat—.................-........-... 4. Travel ....—..........-...-.................. 5. Communication —........-..........-..־—...... 6. Rent ....״״״...—..............—.............. 7. Printing .................................- 8. Supplies ............-...-................... 9. Janitor service.................— -.......... Total** .....—...........-........-..... 1. Salaries of teachers or supervisors........... 2. Clerical service.............-............... 3. Light and Heat....................—.......... 4. Travel .....................-....-......*.... 5. Communication ——........................־—־-״־ 6. Rent ......................................־־ 7. Printing .................................... 8. Supplies ..............-..................... 9. Janitor service..........—................... Total** .................—......... *Totals of columns 3 and 6 for agriculture, *¡*Sum of amounts given in columns 1, 2 and