SECTION III.—Summary of Expenditures for Maintenance of Teacher Training by Institutions and by State Board, Including Expenditures by State Board for Maintenance of Supervision Total Local, State and Federal Funds AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURES FROIV^ local and state funds From Federal Funds* Total Local and State Funds State Funds $ 1,166.93 $ 1,166.93 $ 1,166.93 $ 2,333.86 343.74 343.74 343.74 687.48 1,448.61 1,448.61 1,448.62 2,897.23 1,543.76 1,543.76 1,543.76 3,087.52 1,866.96 1,866.96 1,866.96 3,733.92 1,641.35 1,641.35 1,641.35 3,282.70 819.76 819.76 819.76 1,639.52 $ 8,831.11 $ 8,831.11 $ 8,831.12 $17,662.23 Local Funds $........... KIND OF TEACHERS TRAINED (Agriculture, trade and industry׳, or home economics, with separate data for each.) -Agriculture ............................................................ ..Trades and Industries.——.—....................— ...................—................ ..Home Economics.................................................:............ ..Agriculture................................................................ ..Trades and Industries............—.......................................... ..Home Economics.——...........״....—........:....—............................ :.Home Economics...................״...........:.............................. Totalf. NAME OF INSTITUTION University of. Arizona.. (( a u (( a u State of Arizona......... a a u « a a University of Arizona. *Amounts must correspond with totals of requisitions disbursing Federal Money to designated institutions (or for State Board) from teacher training fund, as given in Section V, columns 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. !Totals must be identical with totals of expenditures for teacher training as given in Section II, 3, Total (a-f־h+c). ^ -84-