December 6, 1920. Gov. Thomas E. Campbell, . State House, Phoenix, Arizona. Dear Sir: Attached hereto please find a copy of the Financial Report for 191920־' we submitted to the Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D. C. This report shows the reimbursements made out of State and Federal funds respectively. For the fiscal year 1920-21 Arizona will be allotted out of Federal money, to be matched by State money, $5,000 for the salaries of teachers of agriculture, $5,000 for the salaries of teachers of trades and industries and home economics, and $10,000 for teacher training in the three branches. Respectfully yours, R. H. H. BLOME, Director for Vocational Education. | The following were paid out of funds made available in Chapter 44, Laws of 1917: Phoenix Public Schools..............................................$ 628.20 University of Arizona״״.............................................3,778.99 One-half traveling expenses of Superintendent of Agriculture........$ 502.06 •One-half salary of Superintendent of Agriculture................... 1,041.70 One-half traveling expenses of Superintendent of Trades and Industry 614.96 (Dne-half salary of Superintendent of Trades and Industry........... 1,252.00 One-half traveling expenses of Superintendent of Home Economics649.69 ״״ One-half salary of expenses of Superintendent of Home Economics991.66 ״״ J ,, Total״..................$9,459.26״״ J Chapter 44, Laws • 17.״......9,459.26 $״ i Chapter 134, Laws ’20 ...... 58,542.83 ( , Chapter 134, Laws ’20........... 43,245.37 j . Chapter 134, Laws ’20...... 908.91 ;1 $112,156.37