DEPARTMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA Aug. 6, ’20 709 Douglas Public Schools״.787.42 $—.——״. “ “ “ - 708 Florence Public Schools........... 959.61 “ “ “ 707 Gilbert Public Schools.....1,311.67 ״...״...״״...״ ״ 706 “ ; ׳ “ Globe Public Schools.—״״........1,351.80 A 723 Farms School, Jerome—״״״...—. 416.20 “ “ “ 705 Miami Public Schools.......-...... 887.16 “ ■ A “ 704 Morenci Public Schools—5,000.00 —״״״—״ “ A “ 703 Peoria Public Schools״״.״... 1,260.41 : “ A “ 702 Phoenix High School.—״.....2,210.49 ״״״ -a' “ “ 701 Phoenix City Schools............. 350.00 “ “ “ , 724 Pima Public Schools...״..........175.00 •“A:“ , 700 Ray Public Schools.:........... 1,199.78 “ “ ' v 728 Snowflake Public Schools—...... 890.88 Nov. 6, ’20 3341 Snowflake Public Schools........... 52.60 Aug. 6, ’20 727 ־׳׳ St. Johns Public Schools.......... 937.01 “ “ 699 St. David Public Schools.....— 3,317.50. “ “ 725 Tempe High School........״״״...340.55 ״״״ “ “ 726 Thatcher Public Schools.....—... 250.00 “ . “ “ 698 Tucson Public Schools...״״...3,883.70 “ “ “ 729 Winkelman Public Schools....־..533.04 — “ . A‘ “ 713 Winslow Public Schools........... 982.40 “ 719 Yuma High School———........—— 87.35. j Totals—...................-.-..-$38,343.38 Nov. 15,’20 3378 Mesa Union High School:.״.........199.45 — Total .......................................—................................................................$38,542.83.״ Because of the shortage of funds, and upon the suggestion of the State Auditor, the following warrants were paid out of Chapter 134, Laws of 1919: Date No. of Warrant * Amount April 15, ’20 7802 Salary of Stenographer.—...............$ 62.50 62.50 .......-...... “ “ “ 7803 ׳ “ 15 “ . 62.50 ......... ׳ “ “ 8326 “ 30 “ 62.50 —......-...... “8327 “ a ־ ־־“: 30 “ 62.50 .—............. “ May 15 “ 8730 ' u 62.50 .......—..... “ u !5 “ 8731 <:i 62.50 ............... u ״ 29 “ ■ 9369 a“ 62.50 ....-........ a ״ ^ 9370 29 a “ 62.50 ............. " ■ “ “ * 9810 15 June 62.50 ״—........—.. “ 15 a ' 9811 a “ 62.50 .......—— “ 30 u 10435 a u “ 62.50 ............... 30 “ 10436 “ “ a “ Total..-.—-—........$750.00״״ Tune 30, ’20 11044 Traveling expense of Super... —53.90 ״״ A‘ 30 “ 11045 u u 66.75 “ 14 a 9709 u “ a .38.26 -״-״״״-״ Grand Total.............$908.91 The following schools were reimbursed three-fourths of the salary paid each vocational teacher in accordance to the time given to vocational work: (Chapter 134, Laws 1919.) Date No. of Warrant • School Amount Aug. 6, ’20 720 Ajo Public Schools.——..............-$ 287.64 “ “ “ 712 Alma Public Schools........—״״.״:U 1,354.74 “ “ “ 711 Bisbee Public Schools..........—........ 3,691.84 “ “ “ 721 Chandler Public Schools.........1,136.53 ״ “ “ “ 710 Clifton'׳ Public Schools.............. — 1,035.04 “ “ “ 722 Copperhill Public Schools........ 391.01 “ “ “ 709 Douglas Public Schools.................— 730.32 “ “ 714 Flagstaff Normal...........—........ 50.34 “ “ “ 708 Florence High School...........-.... 1,174.38 “ ’ “ “ 707 Gilbert Public Schools.——........... 1,652.61 “ ־ “ a 706 > Globe• High School״........1,312.49 —״״״ ״ ״ “ “ “ 723 Farms School, Jerome Junction....... 393.09 A “ “ 705 Miami Public Schools——״.........1,387.94 “ “ “ 704 Morenci Public Schools.................— 2,499.67 “ “ “ 716 Mesa Union High School.............. 1,257.65 “ “ “ 703 Peoria Public School.......——.......— 1,780.07 “ “ “ 702 Phoenix Union High School—.............. 1,397.79 “ “ “ 701 . Phoenix City Schools............A 620.35 “ 724 “־ Pima Public Schools———״...........131.03 — “ “ “ 700 Ray Public Schools.....״..״.....2,569.12 —.״״״ “ “ “ 717 Safford High School—...................— 714.94 “ “ “ 728 Snowflake Public School............... 209.65 “ “ “ 727 St. Johns Public School....I.....—— 873.49 “ “ “ 699 St. David Public School—................ 1,712.36 “ “ “ 725 Tempe Union High School.—״..........268 H3 “ “ 715 *“־ Tempe Normal—...............84.20 ——״—״״ “ “ “ 726 Thatcher Public School.................... 218.37 “ “ “ 698 Tucson Public School.................. 10,080.59 “ “ “ 718 Willcox Public School..................... 359.55 “ “ “ 729 Winkelmam Public School—.................. 840.15 “ “ “ 713 Winslow Public School...........1,929.66 ״ “ “ “ 719 Yuma Union High School.................- 1,100.63 Total........................-...—$43,245.37——״ The following schools were reimbursed for money spent for maintenance and supplies out of funds provided for in Chapter 134, Laws 1919: Date No. of Warrant School ‘ / Amount Aug. 6, ’20 720 Ajo Public Schools..................$ 1,052.31 “ “ ’ “ 712 Alma Public Schools...............—— 1,382.26 “ “ “ 711 Bisbee Public Schools.........——.״....5,000.00 “ . “ “ . 721 Chandler Public Schools............. 2,206.25 “ “ “ 210 Clifton Public Schools.....—........ ^ 466.97 “ “ “ 722 Copperhill Public Schools...........- 1,051.02 81 — o