STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Recommendations Estimate 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 -Funds Available Balance $49,000.00 4,800.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 * 10,000.00 *20,000.00 *New Industrial School—Girls Funds Expenditures ׳ Balance Appropriation ExpeÌditures $35,000.00 ................ .......... $49,000.00 .......... 35,000.00 ........... ................ ............. ... ... 15,410.40 ........... 4,800.00 .......... $199.01 $1,749.42 $62.38 538.13 1,148.91 $21,366.17 858.82 4,777.24 28,548.39 421.53 3,709.56 942.42 1,474.43 2,852.41 729.75 8,452.52 4,792.02 848.71 300.00 . 2,420.73 2,915.70 Description ^ APPROPRIATIONS Maintenance................ Emergency Fund״״.......... General Fund Deficit״״״״.,. General Fund Salary.......... EXPENDITURES Capital- New Equipment״.״.......... Maintenance .......... Repairs Buildings......... Repairs Equipment״״״״״..״. Replacement Equipment..... OPERATION General Expense............ Hospital ................. * General Repairs.... Dining Room and Kitchen... Military Training........ Power, Light and Water..... Laundry ......—״..״.״״״...״.. Band ....................— Shoe Shop................. Tailor Shop............... Inmates Expense........... Farm ..........."״.״■״..... Garden and Grounds......... Imprest Fund.״.״״......... Girls’ House.....״......... Sundry Equipment:......... $46,046.63 Operation $7,005.00 2,640.33 10,849.45 827.38 177.35 140.00 257.40 1,238.70 35.44 150.00 137.10 192.00 110.00 12,073.87 83.81 Salary— Administration ................ Instruction ................... Sundry Help.................. Traveling Expense............. Stationery and Supplies........ Postage ......................... Telephone and Telegraph........ Freight and Dray.............. Printing, etc..........״״*..... Parole Money................. Band Fair Expense............. Insurance ..................... Rewards for Capture........... Provisions ................... School Supplies (after January) — 76 —