\ SCHOOL—(Continued) 1,350.00 400.00 4.000. 00 600.00 1.000. 00 7,500.00 210.00 Painting roofs and all outsid¿ woodwork of Main Building, Science Building, Industrial Arts Building, and three dormitories״״..... Fencing school gardens and farm............״״......................... Addition to stage in Auditorium Building............................... Moving and reconstructing Athletic Field and Grand Stand............. Asbestos covering for pipes, heating ,plant and hot water lines״..... Miscellaneous repairs and improvements have usually been paid from the Maintenance Appropriation, but it will be noted that no provision has been made for same in the present requisition for appropriations. The amount required annually for this purpose has been about $3,750 per annum, making the total requirement for the two years........................................... Margin for miscellaneous repairs and improvement....—................ Total appropriation for special and miscellaneous repairs......$30,000.00 71 — TEMPE 2,050.00 1,000.00 500.00 2,800.00 In connection with the above improvement it will be necessary to install appropriate ornamental posts and lights on Willow avenue and Eighth street, as well as at various points through the grounds, requiring in all about 25 such posts and lights. The estimate furnished for this work is.........................״״..״................. (Note-—The city of Tempe expresses a willingness to defray the* expense of the lighting for all such• lights installed by the Normal School on any of the streets surrounding the campus.) Extending present wiring to farm and installing 15 H. P. motor.......................... To complete wiring of Main Building as per underwriters’ requirements .....................................................................״״.״..״....... In addition to items of special repairs and improvements as stated, it will be necessary to re-roof the decks of the Industrial Arts Building and the Science Building. This must be done at a very early date in order to protect the buildings and contents from damage. Requiring an expenditure of...........................״״״.״.......״״........