t % Biennial Period $ 34,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 600.00, $ 800.00 1921-1922 1922-1923 $ 17,000.00 $ 17,000.00 NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL SCHOOL—(Continued) , : ׳ / Biennial Period estimate less than that given below. If, however, we do make a decided saving in the use of slabs, we should like permission to apply this saving upon the construction of the switch,' in order that we would be in a position to handle either slabs or oil more economically and make a still further saving.......:.......... 1921-1922 1922-1923 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Insurance ' Our expense last year for insurance was almost $1,000.00, but a number of policies will mature during the next biennium, so that we are compelled to ask for a decided increase on last year’s amount.............................״ Janitor \ For janitor’s supplies, bon ami, brooms, Dutch cleanser, waste baskets, pipe cleaners, buckets, mop wringers, floor sweep, mop heads, mop sweeps, disinfectant, paper towels, soap, etc. ......״...........״..................... Laundry Assuming the installation of the laundry equipment mentioned on page 63, we feel that we can decrease our laundry bill from approximately $1,400.00 to..................... Light and Power This includes service from the Flagstaff plant for the hours that our plant is shut down, viz., from 10:15 p. m. to 5 a. m. during the winter months, and for the entire service when the plant is shut down during the summer. In this service are included the night lights on the campus, the number of which will be increased during the next biennium, as well as the night lights in the corridors of the dormitories..........—.....-......................... Manual Training . > — The lumber bill for the manual training de- . partment will run in the vicinity of $1,000.00 per year. Most of this lumber, however, is used by the students in making things for their own use. This lumber they pay for. In such operation, however, there is some unavoidable waste, and there is also quite an amount of lumber used in repair work which the manual training department does for the institution. The amount necessary to carry this item is.... $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Miscellaneous Under this heading we include the perish- _ able supplies needed in the operation of the various departments of the school. They follow in alphabetical order: Art. For paints, brushes, paper of all kinds, clay, tools and miscellaneous materials, we require........................................ — 66 — $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 .$ 500.00 $ 500,00 $ 1,000.00 .$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 less than our report shows the actual cost ,to have been last year. We hope, within this appropriation, to exchange our present large car for a smaller one to do the errands of the school, so that this cost of upkeep may be reduced. The president of the school prefers to own and operate his own car for his own private business, using the smaller car for State business only. In this way we really hope to get along on less than the amount asked, but it would not be safe to make the attempt—————....................... Farm At present we are keeping one team which is used in the hauling of fuel, in the improvement of the campus, and in some small farming operations. The last named might well be increased, especially in the line of keeping hogs and chickens to eat the waste from the dining hall. We should like to make a small start in this during the next biennium, and request the following small amount for the upkeep of the team and ׳ some increase in farming operations—.... Fuel The normal school used approximately twenty cars of oil last year. Our budget for the year asked for fifteen cars. The price on this oil has more than doubled, circumstances over which we have no control. In order to effect a saving in the fuel bill, we have, during the past few months, been experimenting with mill slabs, which are delivered to the nearest switch and unloaded by a team. The experiments show thaj we can make an approximate saving of five or six thousand dollars a year over the oil at present prices, provided we can secure the slabs in quantities and make prompt unloading of the cars. In order to handle these slabs more expeditiously it will require a switch from the Central Arizona Railroad to the power plant, which it is estimated will cost approximately $7,500. It is apparent that this could be paid for out of the saving of the fuel inside of two years. The building of this switch would depend primarily on the securing of the right of way over some city property, which it is felt can be secured at a nominal cost, which is included in the estimate of $7,500.00 While we hope that our experimentation with the slabs will continue to be successful, and that we can obtain them in sufficient quantities to make a decided saving over the use of oil, it is not safe to place in the budget an