d Biennial Period $222,852.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 3,600.00 $243,552.00 1921-1922 2,700.00 1922-1923 4.740.00 2.160.00 plus 2,200.00 2,700.00 ten 2,160.00 2,700.00 per 2.700.00 2.160.00 2,400.00 cent 2,000.00 2,200.00 2.400.00 5,000.00 17,280.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 1.500.00 plus 1,560.00 ten 1,500.00 3,600.00 per 3,000.00 3.240.00 1.200.00 cent NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL SCHOOL—(Continued) Biennial 1921-1922 19221923־ Period etc. Due to the increasing cost of paper this item will be higher than last year. We estimate that we shall need the following....1,300.00 $ 650.00 $ . 650.00 $ ״.״״ Postage This includes regular letter postage, stamped envelopes, postal cards, postage on catalogs, etc........%........................ $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 Printing and Publications In this is included all of the printing done for the institution, including catalogs, bulle- ; tins, advertising circulars, commencement programs, etc. For this an annual appropriation ' is required amounting to.״..................6,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ $106,120.00 $116,732.00 -.$ 800.00 .$ 800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 Education ............................... English (2)........................... Expression and Dramatic Art.............. Geography and Science....................... History ................................. Language, Modern.................... Manual Arts.............................. Mathematics ...................... Music, Public School..................... Music,.Band, Orchestra and Violin Classes Physical Education, Boys................. Physical Education, Women................ Science, Physical..................״....... Summer School (extra instructors)........ Training School (8).......................... Employees Carpenter ....................—....-... Engineer —....—...................... Engineer, Assistant..............—......... Grounds Man (room and board included) Janitor, Head....״..................... Janitor, Assistants (3).................. Miscellaneous Day Labor.................. Student Help.................................. Teamster .....................—.......-.. Telephone and Telegraph For these items, including clock service, we shall require............................. Traveling Expense Under this head is included the traveling expense of the president in visiting schools of the State, addressing parent-teachers’ associations and gatherings of citizens in the interest of education, his expense incurred in attending the meeting of the National Association of Presidents of Normal Schools, the expense of a delegate of the faculty to the National Education Association meeting, the expense of members of the faculty in carrying on extension work, the expense'of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in attending meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Northern Arizona Normal School, etc. We expect an increase in this item over last year, because of our desire to increase our extension work.... TOTAL FOR‘ADMINISTRATION. * (Maintenance, general) OPERATING EXPENSE Automobile Supplies and Upkeep We are asking for this item an appropriation of $500.00 per year, which is considerable Same as 1921-22 plus ten per cent -65- Salaries and Wages In making up the salary budget for the coming year we are making no increase in rate, but are contemplating hiring each teacher at his present monthly wage for the twelve-month period and requiring service for four quarters. This will allow a vacation of one month. In case, however, the faculty member desires to attend school, he may be allowed a leave of absence for one quarter for each two׳ years of service, beginning this arrangement September 1, 1921. During such leave of absence the faculty member is to receive half pay, payable upon his return to service. It will be noted that this is practically a Sabbatical year arrangement, for if anyone desires to do so, he־ might teach consecutively for six years and then receive three quarters off on half pay. We anticipate that it" will be necessary to make a general increase of ten per cent for the year 1922-23. The list of positions, with salary required for each, follows: Administration Officers: • President .......-..,.....r-........ $ 6,000.00 Vice-President ..................... 4,000.00 Board of Trustees...............—״ 720,03 Assistants: Business Secretary........•....—.... 1,800.00 President’s Secretary............... , 1,800.00 Preceptresses (3).........—.........— 4,140.00 Care of Boys’ Dormitory (Athletic Director and wife).................... /20.00 x Instruction Art, Public School.......................- $ 2,280.00 Commerce (2).............-.....—......... 4,440.00 Domestic Art............................... 2,160.00 Domestic Science...............-. 2,160.00 0