Biennial Period $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 250.00 3,500.00 3.000. 00 18,160.00 5.000. 00 2.000. 00 more in the securing of positions, additional filing cases are necessary. Our estimate of this 1921-1922 1922-1923 item is״״״״״...............................250.00 $ 250.00 $ SCIENCE For permanent equipment in chemistry, physics, biology and general science, we shall need $1,000.00 per year at a very low estimate. At present high prices of scientific apparatus this amount will not go far.........1,000.00 $. 1,000.00 $ ״...״.״ For cases to house apparatus used in the new course in general science we shall need250.00 $ ״״ $.... TENTS Because of its ideal location for such work, because of the co-operation of the university with our summer school at ,Flagstaff, and because *the Tempe Normal School does not operate in the summer, the number of students to be housed is much greater in the summer . quarter than in any other. To care for these students we must have an equipment capable of expansion for the summer quarter only. It seems that this can be done best by equipping the institution with tents. W e believe that a “tent city,״ with its promise of outdoor life and recreation along with the schooling, will appeal to a great many public school teachers. Twenty of these tents, with the necessary x partitions, cots, permanent floors, lights, and capable of housing one hundred people, will ....................................... $ 3,500.00 $........... TRAINING SCHOOL For the furnishing and equipment of the training school, now nearing completion, $5,000.00 was set aside from the building ap- ~ propriation. Due to present high costs this amount of money will not furnish the training school in the manner in which such a building' should be equipped. At a low estimate we require for this 500.00 equipment, for pianos, for portable moving picture machine, for an״ opaque projector, for additional chairs and tables, at least....... $ 3,000.00 $.... TOTAL FOR EQUIPMENT................................״״״.״״״״ MAINTENANCE (General) ׳ ' . ־ ■ 300.00 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE Express, freight, drayage.״״...........2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ Miscellaneous Items not־ admitting of classification. $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Office Supplies Under this head we include stationery, printed forms, record books, blanks, pens, ink, — 64— ' ■ ' ' This equipment will be used under the direction of the domestic science department. The department will train young women in the use of such equipment and at ,the same time enable the young women to earn a part of their expenses while in school. The amount necessary for the installation of such a plant is' LIBRARY The library needs new shelving, filing cases and tables to the amount of..................... LOCKERS For students living in Flagstaff we should provide lockers, fifty at seven dollars........ MANUAL TRAINING The manual training department needs two wooff-working lathes, a blower to complete the installation of a planer already provided, vices, tri-squares, triangles, and other material, to the extent of.״״״...................... MUSEUM It is extremely important in a school of this kind to have an educational museum for the use of the various science departments, geography department in the training school and normal school, domestic science and domestic art departments, in fact, all of the departments of the school. This museum should contain pictures of all kinds, post cards, tourist's literature, periodicals containing historical, industrial or geographical articles, samples of rocks, ores, woods, eggs, seeds, natural products of many kinds, fabrics in linen, cotton, silk, jute, hemp, etc., leather, metals^—anything illustrating industries everywhere. . At present a committee of the faculty is organizing this work on a small scale. Ultimately it should develop to the place where it should take the entire time of one person. To make a beginning in this line we advise an appropriation of................................ $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ MUSIC The school has but one phonograph, which is pretty well worn out. It is suggested that a new instrument be purchased, together with ... a supply of records. Estimated cost of phonograph, $200.00; records, $100.00............... $ 250.00 $ 50.00 $ OFFICE Due to the shifting of the registrar's work-to the general offices, which occurred when the present registrar was transferred to the new ‘ training school building, and to the fact that the school plans to help its alumni more and NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL SCHOOL—(Continued) Biennial 1921-1922 1922-1923 Period 2,000.00 $ ......״״.״...$ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ $ 350.00 $...... $ . 350.00 I $ £00.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00