'1,000 500 300 500 2,250 3,500 3,000 S CH O O L—(Continued) Manual Training..... Museum ................ Music ................. Office ..........^..... Science ............. Tents.................. Training School........ NORTHERN ARIZONA NCÎRMAL BUDGET NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL SCHOOL FOR 1921-22 AND 1922-23 " His Excellency, Thomas E. Campbell, Governor of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. Sir: 319,552 Total for Equipment........................18,160 MAINTENANCE (general)......................... . ........... Administration ...................................$243,552 Express, freight and drayage............$ 5,000 Miscellaneous —............... 2,000 Office.............................. 1,300 Postage ................................ ' 1,200 Printing .............................. 6,000 Salaries and Wages...................... 222,852. Telephone and Telegraph.................. 1,600 Travel ............................... 3,600 I have the honor to submit to you the following budget for the equipment and maintenance of the Northern Arizona Normal School during the next biennial ,period (July 1, 1921, to June 30, 1923), as compiled by its Board of Trustees in recent meetings. Respectfully yours, ! M. I. POWERS, Secretary. C. O. CASE, Chairman. J. C. DOLAN, Member. .$243,552 ......--$ 64,300 .$ 1,000 . 2,400 . 34,000 . 4,000 . 4,000 . 2,000 2,000 600 . 14,300 mytfiSiTr of a upp«! > MAY ■1 1 1921 800 .400 220 1,100 3,975 105 300 1,000 3,600 400 2,400 Total for Administration Expense. Operating Expense....................... Auto .............................. Farm ............................... Fuel ............................... Insurance .......................... Janitor ............................ Laundry .........................].. Light and Power..................... Manual Training................... Miscellaneous ...................... Art...........................__$ Commercial .................... Domestic Art............. Domestic Science............... , Library........................ Mathematics ................... Music .................. .... Science ....................... Training School................ Training School Library........ Water ......................... Total for Miscellaneous....$14,300 Repairs and Replacements.............................$ 11,700 Dining Hall................................$ 600 Dormitories .....................!......... 7,000 Main Building............................. 1,100 Power Plant................................ 3,000 TOTAL (Campus, Buildings, Equipment, Maintenance). $390,552 Less Income....................;.................. 17,000 TOTAL MONIES REQUIRED NEXT BIENNIUM..._$373,212 Relief Appropriation for last Biennium.......... 20,000 GRAND TOTAL.............................................$393,212 PROPOSED BUDGET NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL SCHOOL For the Biennial Period, 19211922-1923 ,1922־ PLAN OF THE BUDGET This budget is divided into four parts, viz., BUILDINGS, CAMPUS, EQUIPMENT (permanent), MAINTENANCE (general). Throughout the report all items classed together will be arranged in alphabetical order. For convenience, a summary of the report is given. This budget has been prepared in a painstaking fashion. First, the different teachers and heads of departments have been called upon for a statement of the needs of their departments for the next two years. These reports have been gone over by the president. The Board of Education, in conference with the president, has studied the entire situation, taking into account the cost of the last fiscal year, the increases in prices, the natural growth of the school. The result of all of this is the following budget. Biennial Period ........$ 22,500 .$ 6,000 . 1,500 . 15,000 22,500 $. 30,000 .....״ 18,160 .......... 400 $. 2,000 . 560 600 100 100 2,000 . 1,000 350 SUMMARY BUILDINGS ................ . Library ............... Practice Cottage......... Residence (President’s). Total for Buildings... CAMPUS ................... EQUIPMENT (permanent) Art ................... Dining Hall........... Domestic Art........... Domestic Science...... English .............. History................ Laundry .............. Library .............. Lockers .............—. — 61