STATE VETERINARIAN Recommendations Estimate 1920-21 $1,800.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 $1,800.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 Balance Appropriation Ex^ndkures Balance Funds Available 1921-22 1922-23 $3,000.00 Open 1,500.00 1,800.00t 7,500.00 $3,000.00 Open 1,500.00 l,800.00t 7,500.00 $1,800.00 Open 1,841.91 $5,250.66 $13,800.00 $13,800.00 $12,800.00 $12,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 1,103.00 .......... 1,841.91 $600.00* ............ 558.09 $3,600.00 $1,103.00 3,000.00 $5,000.00 3,391.25 . , $1,608.75 $1,608.75 $1,143.92 $12,703.00 $7,452.34 $5,250.66 Reverted 1918-19 Expenditures $1,800.00 1,743.10 3,657.60 Funds Description Appropriation................ $1,800.00 Contingent Fund..........—... 4,801.52 Mileage .................——■... 1,743.10 EXPENDITURES Salary State Veterinarian.... ............... Mileage ...............-..... Contingent Fund—............—— . Stenographer —..............—. ~.— Stationery, etc.............. — ......... Postage —....—.........—....— ....———— Telephone and Telegraph...... ' ... Printing...............:..... ......... Miscellaneous .......—- — Dourine Eradication....... Tuberculosis Eradication..... ״ $8,344.62 $7,200.70 *Part Time Stenographer, f Whole Time Stenographer as the State will. All States except Arizona, California and Colorado are now co-operating with the Government in this work. Arizona for years past has been a dumping ground for tubercular cattle from other States. Recently we have come to know that our herds are badly infected with this disease. Livestock men of other States are also aware of this fact, and if we do not take steps to eliminate this plague the demand from other States for our livestock will certainly be lessened. The fact that fewer dairy cattle are in the State now than formerly, and possibly fewer than there will ever be again, and the further fact that at the Arizona Packing Plant there is a Federal Veterinarian, under whose supervision the reactors can be slaughtered, make it, in my opinion, the logical time to start this work. The Dairy Association, the Farm Bureaus and the Agricultural Department of the University of Arizona are enthusiastic supporters of this work. I realize that at this time it is necessary to be economical, but I firmly believe that no better step toward real economy to the State could be taken than to advocate this appropriation. Yours very truly, R.. J. HIGHT, State Veterinarian. Governor Thomas E. Campbell, State House, .* Phoenix, Arizona. v,.׳.r v ״׳ My Dear Governor: I am asking for a raise ip salary, because I think the present salary oi $1,800.00 a year is inadequate for the responsibility assumed in the protection of the livestock of the State from infectious disease. Anthrax, Texas fever, and glanders are prevalent in adjoining States, and the State Veterinarian must be on the alert to prevent the spread of those diseases into our own livestock. This is a position that can only be filled by a professional man. I asked for an appropriation of $1,800.00 for a stenographer. I have been paying-my stenographic help from the contingent fund and have been getting along as best I could, not being able to retain a stenographer only a few hours each day. The work of this office calls me out over the State, which makes dt necessary that I should have a stenographer in the office all the time to take care of things that will naturally arise in my absence. I asked for an appropriation of $1,500.00 with which to carry on the work . of eradicating tuberculosis from our cattle in co-operation with the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry, which will expend as much money in this work 44 —