E STATE EXAMINER ' 1919-20 A, ' 1920-21 Estimate p , v Expenditures Balance Funds Available 1921-22 1922-23 Recommendations $2,349.96 $150.04 $2,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1,995.00 105.00 2,100.00 3,500.00 3,500,00 2,100.00 2,100.00 ......... 2,100.00 2,100:00 ........................... ...........:.... ......... .......... .............'.... 2,100.00 2,100.00 ........................... .............. $4,301.44 $98.56 $4,400.00 . $8,700.00 $8,700.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $911.90 ......... ..,........ t ............ ...:........... ' $1,200.00 . $1,200.00 1,550.32 $49.68 $1,600.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,553.00 47.00 1,600.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 ' ............ 1,600.00־ 1,600.00 ......... ............. ................... 1,600.00 1,600.00 142.40 1.88 1,200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200 ÒÒ 20.00» ; .......... .............. 25.00 25.00 25.00 ' 25.00 31.92 ......... ............... 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 24.25 .......... ................ 125.00 125.00 125.00 125 00 67.65 ........ ................... A 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $8,646.40 $353.60 $9,000.00 $20,400.00 $20,400.00 $10,300.00 $10,300.00 of county offices can be made than is possible with my present limited force, and I have no doubt that better results can be obtained. Assessment .rolls and tax collections, both current and delinquent, could be. checked more thoroughly and a better investigation of the source of all county revenues and disbursements would be made possible. I have suggested that these two assistants receive a salary of $1,200.00 each per annum and a travel allowance of $1,600.00 each per annum. At present there is appropriated for contingent expense $1,200.00. I have reduced this on the budget to $500.00, providing, however, that this department is allowed the two assistants. In case the budget is not approved as prepared, at least $2,500.00 should be set aside to handle miscellaneous ex-, pense and wages of additional clerks in the larger counties. " Ending June 30th, 1920, there remained of the State Examiners’ total appropriation $353.60 unexpended, representing salary and expense. This balance is due to the fact that considerable of the time of former examiners was spent in Phoenix, this practice being for the purpose of economy in order that the funds would cover the fiscal period, also the positions were vacant, for short periods at different times. Sincerely vours, * IT. O. MORRISON, State Examiner. 40 — / OFFICE OF Expenditures Balance Appropriation ..... ........... $2,500.00 $3,945.49 ................ 2,100.00 $2,723.23 ........... $4,400.00 $221.10 ................. ............... 2,024.02 ...... ....................... ..........'' ............... $1,600.00 ............... ................ 1,600.00 195.29 .....,..... 1,200.00 21.00 44.17 ............. 121 ;60 .................. .............. 96.05 ........... ................ $6,668.72 ................ $9,000.00 Description Funds OPERATION Salary— V State Examiner...״״.....$2,500.00 Deputy State Examiner.״.......1,500.00 1st Ass’t “ “ — ....... — — 2nd Ass’t “ A .....״״״״״״״״ ״״״ Contingent Fund$2,668.72 ״״.״״.״״״״ Appropriation for Stenographer $900.00, Balance from June, 1918...״.... 168.72 Wages —...............———...... .............. Traveling Expense.״.״..... ״״....״......״..... State Examiner...... 1,600.00 Deputy State Examiner. 1st Ass’t “ “ 2nd Ass’t “ Stationery and Supplies.״״—. Postage ....... Telephone and Telegraph....... Printing and Publications.... Miscellaneous....... $6,668.72 Hon. T. E. Campbell, Governor, Phoenix, Arizona. My Dear Governor: I beg to submit herewith the budget of this department for the years ending June 30th, 1922 and 1923, respectively. I desire to invite your attention to the salaries at present appropriated, to-wit: State Examiner, $2,500.00 ; Deputy State Examiner, $2,100.00. Comparing these salaries with those being paid by commercial institutions^ for the same class of expert work, I am quite sure that it will be found that they are *§mall and insufficient, and after careful consideration l am of the opinion that the State Examiner’s salary should be raised to $4,000.00 and his Deputy’s to $3,500.00 per annum. The travel expense of the Examiner and Deputy now appropriated is $1,600.00 per year each, but since this appropriation was made by the last Legislature the increased cost of hotel robms, meals, railroad and Pullman transportation, etc., has made this amount wholly inadequate, and in my opinion the amount should be increased in both instances to'$2,500.00 per annum. « You will also notice that I am suggesting an increase in the clerical force of this office, as has been previously recommended by former examiners. With two additional assistants , a more exhaustive and minute examination