SECRETARY OF STATE Recommendations Estimate 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 Funds Available Balance. 1919-20 Expenditures Balance Appropriation 1918-19 Expenditures $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 3,000.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 3,000.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 3,000.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 3,000.00 ......... 7,000.00 ........ 7,000.00 2,000.00 ............. 2,000.00 ..................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 3,000.00 1.00 7,000.00 $33.00 L0Ö 15.96 ... ' 750.00 $2.12 $15,002.12 $19.87 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1.767.00 3,000.00 1.999.00 1,984.04 750.00 500.00 ?6,159.00 193.45 5,610.63 810.45 1,468.24 756.11 $2.75 121.50 449.88 83.09 696.84 1,000.00 30.07 96.00 $3,500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1,800.00 5.000. 00 2.000. 00 2,000.00 750.00 500.00 $15,000.00 $14,997.88 $2,500.00 $2,480.13 $71.95 $38,553.12 $38,800.00 $43,800.00 $33,800.00 $38,800.00 $36,050.00 $35,978.05 $2,945.04 3.500.00 3.000. 00 2.000. 00 1.800.00 3,000.00 ....55.20 218.04 5.057.44 97.74 151.12 4,401.97 7.001.45 265.00 $33,493.00 Description Funds $33,482.00 Appropriation EXPENDITURES Salaries— .................................Clerical ........................Secretary of State ..............״Assistant Secretary of State ..................................Cashier ....״״.........................Rate Clerk —......Stenographers .............—.....Additional Clerical Help ........ .......״״״״Traveling Expense ........ Stationery and Supplies - ...... ........................Postage .................Telegraph and Telephone ........ Express and Dray —״.״״.’Printing and Publications ........ .........:..License Tags ........ —״״.....22’ Publicity Pamphlet ........................1921 Session Laws ...............-..........Arizona Reports .............:..........1915 Session Laws ——...... .......Motor Vehicle License Exp ....—.....................Salaries .............................. Printing ............................. Auto Plates .......-.......-...............Supplies ... r....... ——————............״״—. Postage ״״״״״״״״ ״״״״״״״״״״״״Express and Dray Contingent Expense and Print׳ ..... ״״״״.״....״ing Constitution ... Advertising .........v.—.. —-..״.... Traveling — ״.......................... Printing .....Telegraph and Telephone —״........״ ...—..״.-.-.-.....״..Office Supplies ................ ....——״.״..״.... Postage .......״..״״״Express and Dray ״....... .—״״—.—.—. ״—.Miscellaneous $30,482.00 -38- f