LIVE STOCK SANITARY ־BOARD Recommendations Estimate 1921-22 1922-23 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 . 1,500.00 1;500.00 1,500.0(7 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 , 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 100.00 $13,900.00 $12,400.00 $13,300.00 $11,800.00 1920-21 Funds Available Balance $10,125.00 1,000.00 $267.27 $11,125.00 1919-20 Expenditures Appropriation Balance $734.45 2.400.00 5.100.00 280.87 1,890.12 369.48 80.34 375.24 2.23 1918-19 Expenditures $375.00 10,125:00 1,000.00 $6,299.30 2,264.82 989.80 $16.37 $11,500.00 $11,232.73 $9,553.92 Description Funds Appropriations..................... ............. Balance available............... ' $8.24 Special* .......—.............. 262.05 Appropriation x.—...............—. 8,300.00 Board Members״״..........״״״.....1,000.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries —..............*.״......״........... ... Expenses .............................. ״.. Board Members..״...-.״......-״........ .......... Secretary .......״.....״״ ״.......... .......... Office Help..״״״..״....״״<״״״״״״״ .......... Travel Expense.................... ........ Stationery and Supplies............ Postage ...............״..... .... /............. Telephone and Telegraph.......... .......... Printing ......״.....״.... ״...״״. ״_״ Miscellaneous ״——״״״■״.......... ............ Brand Books..—״״.........״....״......״ ^ ........ / $9,570.29 *From License and Inspection Fund. LIVE STOCK SANITARY BOARD—LICENSE AND INSPECTION FEES FUND Recommendations Estimate 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 Funds Available Balance 1919-20 Expenditures $77,320.36 2,142.14 534.50 41.01 1,500.00 2,151.63 Appropriation $14,126.33 ! 81,182.17 Balance 1918-19 Expenditures $67,033.62 593.55 ־' 1,200.00 235.00 823.07 $69,885.24 $14,126.33 $95,308.50 $83,689.64 $11,618.86 Description Funds Balance ......................... $30,381.23 Receipts ........................ 53,630.34 EXPENDITURES Salaries Inspectors........״״״..... ................ Traveling Expense״................ ............. Publishing Brands.״״....... ......... Brand Book Supplement..״..״...״..— ״.״ Hide Tags..........................״. ......... Stationery and Supplies—....״ ..... Express and Dray.............. ..״.״..........״, Printing and Publications........ ...... Attorney Fees......״.....״......... .......... $84,011.57