ARIZONA STATE LIBRARIAN Recommendations $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,700.00' $2,700.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Estimate 1921-22 1922-23 $6,300.00 $6,300.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 ׳ 1,500.00 1,500.00 $6,300.00 $6,300.00 T, Y 1920-21 Balance Funds Availabîe $5,700.00 $2,700.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 $5,700.00 a . . 191920־ Appropriation Expenditures $5,700.00 $5,700.00 . $2,700.00' 1,800.00 1,200.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 Description ‘ Funds Expenditures Balance Appropriation .........״״.... .............. ............. .............. EXPENDITURES Operation ................... ............. .............. ........... Salaries— State Librarian״............... ............ Assistant Librarian............ ............ ............. ........... Stenographer — ......... ............. ............... ARIZONA STATE LIBRARIAN—SUPREME COURT FEES FUND Balance July 1st, 1919...... .״ ״-.... .t...... $3,779.78 ......... ...........: ....... ............. Supreme Court Fees......... :....... ................ $4,606.78 ......... ........... ............. $4,467.81 $377.69 > 582.41 150.00 3.48 119.94 3,146.12 88.17 $4,467.81 $3,918.75 $3,918.75 of the fiscal years 1921-22 and 1922-23. The attendance by the librarian at the annual meetings of the American Library Association and the National Association of Law Librarians, held at the same time and place each year, would be of great benefit to the library and to the State. As all other States provide an appropriation for the attendance of its librarians, it seems to the writer just and proper that such a provision be made by the Arizona State Legislature. This annual appropriation will also provide for part of the expenses of attending the annual meetings of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, to which conference the librarian has been a State representative for several years. Considering the character of the work, and the labor involved, the salaries paid to the library staff are the poorest paid in any department of State. We have, therefore, under columns 16 and 17, estimated the salary requirements for the coming two fiscal years at a living wage, and trust that your excellency will so approve. ' The present revenue for the maintenance of the library, derived from the fees of the State Supreme Court, is satisfactory for the coming biennial period. Respectfully submitted, CON P. CRONIN, State Librarian. Expenditures — .——״ ״ Traveling Expense.......״.״.״.... Stationery and Supplies״............ Postage .....״............... Telephone and Telegraph.......... Freight and Drayage...—.....״...... Printing, Publications and Law Books ...................... Miscellaneous ................... ................ ״״״.״״״״A $3,779.78 $4,606.78 , Explanatory of report of State Librarian submitted to the Governor pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 61, Session Laws of 1919: In column 15, “Funds Available 1920-21/’ we have stated the amount as $1,460.52, while the actual financial balance, on that date was $4,210.52, The Frank Shepard Company, one of our largest law book creditors, has not submitted an account since shortly after the entry of our country in the world war, owing to the almost complete disruption of its clerical force. We have roughly estimated our indebtedness to this firm as $2,750, and have deducted that amount from the balance, as above shown. .. / The item of $582.41, “Stationery and Office Supplies,” under column 11, includes several items that should have been furnished the library by and paid for out of the Capitol Building Fund. These items are: Filing Cases.......................$158.95 . Office Desk......A....... .. ...... 71.75 % Total ....................$230.70 When the library moved to its present quarters it was practically without office equipment. The items above enumerated were most essential. The Board of Directors of State Institutions refused to procure them for the library, necessitating the expenditure from the library fund. In column 16 and 17 we have asked for $500 traveling expenses for each Oct. 1, 1920.