FINANCIAL ESTIMATE ARIZONA COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE \ Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1921. Cotton Entomologist״״״:״״......:״״......900.00 . Plant Pathologist.................. 700.00 Assistant Entomologist—Tucson .......... 600.00 Assistant Entomologist—Safford ... 700.00 ״״•״״ Assistant Entomologist—Yuma ........700.00 ....—״ Assistant Entomologist—Northern Arizona700.00 ״ Traveling Inspector״............. 2,000.00 Salaried Inspectors—8 @ $400.00........... 3,200.00 12,150.00 (b) 10 Field Scouts...............״״......$3,000.00 ''(c) 30 Inspectors (other than salaried). 6,600.00 3— OFFICE EQUIPMENT (including new typewriter, ...mimeograph, furniture, etc.):״״״״.:.״.......500.00 4— OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES (including postage, telephone, telegrams, freight, express, dray-age, stationery, blank forms for legal notices and records, posters, etc.)................,..... 2,500.00 5— FIELD AND LABORATORY (including new ar- ticles of permanent equipment, spraying machines, scientific apparatus and expenses)״.״״״....6,000.00 6— PUBLICATIONS (including Plant Inspection Book- let, etc.).:״.״״״״״״.........................500.00 7— MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES (including exhib- its at State and County Fairs and sundry items)500.00 ״״ 8— AUTOMOBILES (eleven cars now owned by Com- mission) .....'..״...........־............. (a) Supplies (including repairs, gas, oil, grease, tires, etc.)......................... 8,000.00 (b) New car replacements.................. 2,500.00 10,500.00 Total appropriation for fiscal year ending June 30, 1922.״״..84,820.00 $״. Total appropriation for biennium June 30, 1923..............._..$169,640.00 Special appropriation to finish present fiscal year״״...........32,000.00 $ To reimburse Arizona Cotton Growers’ Association for fund advanced to finish out fiscal year ending June 30, 1920.............$ 2,500.00 Special Emergency Fund.״........................................50,000.00 $ !—SALARIES— 3 Commissioners @ $300.00.״ Secretary of Commission 900.00 600.00 $1,500.00 Assistant Secretary of Commission 1,800.00 ״... — ״.. 2 Clerks 2,200.00 4,000.00 1 State Entomologist.......... 1 Field Entomologist... 3,900.00 3,000.00 1 Cotton Entomologist. 1 Plant Pathologist.״ .-״... ״״.... 2,400.00 2,400.00 11,700.00 Assistant Entomologists : 1 Tucson ............״״......$2,000.00״.״״״.״ 1 Safford ...................2,000.00 ...״.״״ 1 Yuma ..............2,000.00 ״״״״״״״״״״ 1 Northern־ Arizona............״:״״.8,000.00 2,000.00 1 Traveling. Inspector.................״״...״״............10,000.00 2,000.00■•״. (b) Field Scouts : 6—3 mos. $100.00.......״״...........................״..״...........1,800.00 2—3 mos. 75.00..״.״.״............................450.00 ....״ 2—3 mos. 50.00...................................... ........ 300.00 2,550.00 j • - - . • (c) Salaried Inspectors: Tempe .................״״:.״״״״.................1,560.00 ........״ Phoenix :״.״״״................״.״.....................1,560.00 Nogales .................—״״.. —.״...................1,200.00 Lordsburg ............................................ 1,200.00 Bowie --—״.... 3 at other points @ $1,200.00 .״.״ . 1,200.00 . 3,600.00 10,320.00 (d) 30 Inspectors @ $.75 per hour : 2,500.00 . 2,500.00 2—TRAVELING EXPENSES (including railroad fares, meals, hotel bills, etc.) : (a) Commission and Secretary State Entomologist Field Entomologist . 850.00 . 900.00 . 900.00 — 26 —