« TOTAL, REVENUE—Continued Total $50,000.00 1,989.84 129,864.37 16,679.22 4.672.89 856.29 9.48 21,921.94 56,387.67 4,389.30 2,338.03 2,765.55 2.623.42 2,245.60 20.722.38 163,269.63 59,197.55 97,493.02 4.019.05 53.892.39 39,682.88. 92,586.32 115,917.48 27.399.89 2,168.00 241,150.80 136.673.06 26,646.59 3,307.44 2.623.43 3,194.31. 99,916.57 10,519.07 3.419.06 2.059.65 54.865 86 2.166.76 2.166.76 8,759.62 35׳67516 18,162.22 89׳207;68 8,750.62 21.595.64 841.45 . 595,117.85 Transfers $41,439.45 9,357.84 3,634.93 3ö;ööö:öo Other Receipts Refunds Fees Taxes Apportioned 71,157.34 432.50 30.70 05־262״"' 13,000.00 05־19387 24,716.72 9,227.23 10,610.75 2,068 00 1,688.55 12־670־2 685.70 640.65 36,237.86 107,441.75 $2,084.69 764.00 27.50 .85 24,040.92 78.85 1700.00 327.96 1 ;281.33 63;i9Ö;0Ö ...272.49 268.10 4,621.76 $50,000.00 7,35835״ 20,722.38 88,612.29 58,765.05 68,616.01 92,586.32 26,481.34 177,960.80 127,445.83 59JÎ'""־•’־־ 5,818.66 .1,989.84 4,019.05 53,630.34 Name of Appropriation 6,557.38 1,010.46 856.29 ׳ 92L09;־21 2,346.75 4,389.30 2,338.03 2,765.55 2,623.42 Agricultural College..................................— —־—...... Apiary Inspection..............———— ——....—- - ........... *70 oq'i'7׳o Asylum for the insane, Maintenance ........—- --- ?7°>°8L78 Asylum for; the Insane, Building ....——...... Asylum for the Insane, Farm................. Asylum for the Insane, Interest ..........-... Asylum for the Insane, Sewerage .............. Bureau of Mines..........................-..— Capitol Building A’ddition ............ Capitol Building Interest .................... Date Palm Orchard——..'.——---............ Date Palm Orchard and Horticultural Station Dry Farming...........-........-.............. ״״,, Free Employment Office............-........——...........—- 2,loo./a Inheritance Tax...........I..............-.......—........ ........... Institutional Land Funds, Sales.....-..............-.................. Institutional Land Funds, ■Rentals.....................־— Interest ...........-.......-.......-.......:......-..... 28,846.31 Library.....................-............................. License and Inspection................................... ״״־״״״־״״ Military ...................-........................... 26,682.oo National Forest, Road and School.................:........ ־־־־־־־״־ ־־־״ Northern Arizona Normal School, Maintenance .............. 69,721.18 Northern Arizona Normal School, Building , Northern Arizona Normal School, Improvement Permanent School Sales ...............................־־־־ ־־ ........ Permanent School Rentals .....................־*־......... Pioneers’ Home Improvement Plant Introduction״........... Prescott Dry Farm 1,401.84, 2,168.00 912.13 2,623.43 3.194.31 Maintenance—.....................————— 10.519 07 $385,744.70 $2,360,746.31 186.87 22.801.46 2.166.76 2.166.76 8.750.62 52,306.28 1,187.08 ׳* 32,064.40 ' x . 9.00 600.67 7.500.00 *6,468.75 18,162.22 30,669.17 . 745.71 *555.15 8,750.62 21.505.64 90 00 825.00 16.45 234,668 76 202.576.26 50431.08 $747,732.55 n . ־ ;־־׳',"־־^STj $100.132.09 TT־־r ! : •! $959,667.01 $167,469.96 Prison Prison Improvement —.......... Prison Farm ——..........-............... Prison Farm Equipment—.................. Redemption (State Funded Debt)——........ Redemption (St. Louis 'Exposition Bonds) — Redemption (Universitv of Arizona Bonds). Salt River Valley Experimental Farm—.... State Fair Maintenance...——————......— State Game Protection——————.... State Industrial School, Maintenance State Industrial School, Improvement State Land, C. & A ———....—— State Loan ———————......