STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND AMOUNT IN REDEMPTION FUNDS ON JUNE 30, 1920. Amount in Funds $59,367.60 61,922.86 22.210.05 22.210.05 ......... $869,972.43 $165,710.56 11,392.43 44,607.19 13,023.99 39,016.02 ,9,465.79 29,069.41 59,379.28 5,458.70 24,816.53 $1,967,804.87 $236,229.34 14,703.92 2,822.29 4,485.59 22,011.80 $130,497.99 -״״-״-״-״ $2,968,275.29 $423,951.70 Date Class Outstanding 1916 5% - 50 Years $287,000.00 1913 4^% - 25 Years 361,972.43 1904 5% - 50 Years 63,000.00 1904 5% - 50 Years 20,000.00 1898 5%' - 50! Years 72,000.00 1903 ' 5% - 20 Years 30,000.00 1902 5% - 20 Years 25,000.00 1905 5% - 20 Years 11,000.00 1913 4^% - 25 Years 43,473.50 1913 4y2%. - 25 Years 159,000.99 1913 4y2% - 25 Years 44,781.36 1913 4>i% - 25 Years 147,364.70 1913 5% - 25 Years 267,636.43 1903 5% - 50 Years 14,000.00 1913 Ay2% - 25 Years 105,363.29 1903 , 5% - 50 Years 38,000.00 ׳ 1913 4^ % - 25 Years 210,240.06 1903 3% - 50 Years 318,275.29 1906 4% - 50 Years 25,000.00 1913 4y% - 25 Years 136,138.08 1904 5% - 50 Years 31,000.00■ 1913 4y2% - 25 Years 310,163.78 1903 5% - 50 Years 28,576.29 ־ 1913 4j^% - 25 Years 88,791.11 1913 4^% 25 ־ Years 91,261.90 1913 \y2% - 25 Years 11,812.38 1913 4K% - 25 Years 16,000.00 1903 5% - 50 Years 11,423.71 Name of Bonds STATE INDEBTEDNESS State of Arizona Refunding״״.................. State of Arizona Refunding״.״.................. Territorial Funding.״״״״״״..................... Asylum for the Insane״״................... ״ Capitol Building״..״״........״.״...״.״.״.......... St. Louis Exposition......................... .... University of Arizona ............... ״...... University of Arizona, Experiment Station COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS Apache County....״״................״........... Coconino County״״—.״-..״...״.״....״״....״...... Gila County...............................—.—״. Graham- County.............................. ... Maricopa County..״!״״״״..-״״ ״........״״.—r. Maricopa County.....................—.......״.... Mohave County.״״ .........—————— ..... Navajo County......■—״—״״״״.....״.״............ Pima County——,——״.........״.״״............ Pima County.—— ................״.״.....‘... ......... Pima County.———.........'..״״״—................... Pinal County.״.......—...................... Santa Cruz County.—״........................״—— Yavapai County.״״!״״״״..״———————..............— Yavapai County.״״.............................. Yuma County................,.״..........״....—— CITY INDEBTEDNESS Prescott City.................................. Tombstone City........״.....—....... ........ Tucson City... Tucson City- Total No Redemption Funds have been created for any bonds sold pre- . vious to Statehood, excepting the St. Louis Exposition and the University of Arizona Bonds. During the .last fiscal year $28,000.00 of Capitol Building Bonds were retired from the proceeds of the sale of lands granted the State by the Enabling Act, for the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Building Fund. The balance on hand June 30th, 1920, in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Building Land Fund, with which Capitol Building Bonds can be retired, amounts to approximately $23,000.00.