USED AS A 1919-20 $5,641,440.77 2,211,579.24 $7,853,020.01 894,399.01 $8,747,419.02 HAND AT $ 74,325.87 8,747,419.02 $8,821,744.89 6,847,090.36 $1,974,654.53 .60 ¡5,224,720.93 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FROM TAXATION AND OTHER SOURCES FOR FIVE YEARS, TO BE BASIS FOR ESTIMATING EXPECTED REVENUES. 1918-19 1917-18 1916-17 1915-16 ״ Receipts from Taxation.................:....$ 2,209,920.19 $1,964,830.43 $3,704,531.21 $2 863 545 44 Receipts from Other Sources...............;.. 843,769.83 ■43 476044 1 1,179,635.55 1,238,942.73 ־ Total Net Receipts..........................$ 3,053,690.02 $3,203,773.16 $4,884,166.76 $4,339,589.87 Refunds and Transfers........................... 305,776.23 300,601.40 337,903.82 917 094.93 .... • ______________________________________________6________________________ ____________________ ’ Total Receipts..........:.....3,359,466.25 $3,504,374.56 $5,222,070.58 $5,256,684.80 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS‘FOR FIVE YEARS, SHOWING BALANCE ON THE END OF EACH FISCAL YEAR . $1,336,967.45 ;702,079.78 $ 5,255,684.80 ׳5,222,070.58 $5,924,150.36 $6,592,652.25 4,587,182.91 6,518,326.38 $1,336,967.45 . $ 74,325.87 .$ 267,276.07 ■ $ 702,145.32 3,359,466.25 3,504,374.56 .$ ■3,626,742.32 $4,206,519.88 2,924,597.00 3,504,440.10 .$ 702,145.32■ $ 702,079.78 Balance beginning of fiscal year. Total Receipts................... Grand Total............ Total Expenditures...........;... Balance end of fiscal year. STATE TAX RATE AND VALUATION FOR FIVE YEARS Tax rate per $100.00.״.......................39. 535. ' 40. 54. Assessed Valuation.................................$420,532,411.90 $486,406,518.50 $697,526,619.68 $834,020,532.22 •