s■׳'? V W : ״. V ' V, . ■;־ * ־•: .: t J¡. 7 1 •Continued . , / •"■־■־ ׳Page U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Music ..........——..............—— -.........- 106 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Physical Education..............———.......... 107 * U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Physical Plant.——..״—,״״״...............103 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Special Training.................. ....... 106 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Summer School...................-............ 105 U. of A. Improvement Fund, College of Agriculture ..................—... HO , U. of A. Improvement fund, College of Letters, Arts and^Science....... 110 U. of A. Improvement Fund, College of Mines............................ HO U. of A. Improvement Fund, Home Economics .......................... 109 U. of A. Improvement Fund, Museum ....................-.......-......... 109 rc?U. of A. Improvement Fund, Physical Plant.............................. 109 U. of A. Improvement Fund, Summary ...................-־............-...108 U. of A. Adams Fund, Federal Appropriation.............................. 126 U. of A. Agricultural Research Fund...........—-...........-----........ 120 U.’of A. Bureau of Mines Fund..............-...............-............ HI U. of A. Campus Extension Fund........................-................. 123 U. of A. Campus and Greenhouse Fund..—.................................— 122 U. of A. Citrus Investigation Fundi...........-......................... 120 U. of A. Cochise County Water Investigation.........................״...121 U. of A. Co-operative Agriculture Extension Fund...................... HI U. of A. Date Palm Orchard and Horticultural Station Fund ....... 114 U. of A. Date Palm Orchard'and...........Horticultural....Station.Land and Improvement ......................................................—- * 123 U. of A. Date Palm Orchard Fund............................-............ H4 U. of A. Deaf and Dumb School Fund....................—.............—־ H3 U. of A. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Building Fund............................. 123 U. of A. Dry Farming Fund...........״.............״^—................... H'2 U. of A. Extension Fund....... .........................................,112 ״ U. of A. Experimental Farm Sales Fund................—................. 121 U. of A. Farm Improvement Fund..................-...................—...— 118 U. of A. Farm Maintenance Fund.............................—...-....—- H9 U. of A. Federal Extension Fund.................—.,...........—.....—— 125 U. of A. Hatch Fund, Federal Appropriation..........................————125 U. of A. Men’s Dormitory Fund......— ......-——— ....................-... 123 U. of A. Morrill Fund, Federal.Appropriation..........— —-...........,...126 U. of A. Plant Introduction Fund.. ...................-................— H6 U. of A. Prescott Dry Farm Fund............................״..-.........— H8 U. of A. Printing Fund........—— —.........—״״— .............-.........—- H6 U. of A. Salt River Valley Experimental Farm,.........״.......-......... H7 U. of A. Smith Lever Fund, Federal Appropriation........................ 124 U. of A. Surface Water Investigation..........——............—....——..... 122 U. of A. Sulphur Springs Valley Dry Farm..:...״.......—.................115 U. of W Underflow Water Investigation.........———...................— H7 TJ. of A. Woman’s Building Fund...................-...—.......-.....122——..״ 'V ... Vocational Education, State Director of.—״........80 ׳ —.—״.... . Veterinarian, State.............................*.....—————............... 44 ־ . W ־ ״־■ W ' ■ Weights and Measures, Inspector.........——״״......— —...............35 -—— Water Commissioner, State.........———״................-.......-.........53 ■3 — :־ ■ ■ ) INDEX : ! ; .״ ■ ■ '■׳'■ ־ ■ ■ ■ ^ Page State Auditor ....״ ........................——— ....- -.....-—״״״............30 State Bank Examiner.—.*........——״״״״.״״ .................30 .-״——״—״״״״-״. State Bar Examiners.................——־־־־.....־־־־־־־.....———————............33 .״״״ State Board of Dental Examiners.—.״................................... 33 State Board of Health ״....״-״.״.״-.״.״..״..״..״..״.״״״״״״..... 54 —— State Commissioner of Immigration—.—....״.............״״..״״.״......״—........... 56 ® .State Dairy Commissioner—״————.——.״״.״״.״.״״—.״״״״״״......................... 50 State Engineer, Highway Department...............־..............................׳ 91 State Examiner ..........................:..-..................-....—......-.... 40 State Fair Commission......................................——״.................78 State Game Warden....................................:..............—....-....... 51 State Historian ..................................—............................. 24 State Hospital for the Insane.............................—.״..............—....58 State Industrial School........................................——■..............- 76 State Institutions, Board of Directors.....״..:.״....—.............״-....-.... 48 State Laboratory ......................״״...........................-...........92 State Land Department.............:.................-......-........-...-.......- 41 State Librarian ...............................................-................ 36 State Mine Inspector״״.................................,........................42 State and Municipal Employment Bureau.........................................— 57 State Prison, Arizona..........................................—........-....... 74 State, Secretary of......................—..........................-............ 38 State Tax Commission...........................................— —-........-.... 89 State Treasurer ...........................................................-.... 43 State Veterinarian ״״...........................................................44 State Water Commissioner.—״—״—.״—״״״״..״״״.״..״.״״״..״ 53 ״—— School, Tempe Normal...,״......................................— 68 ——— School, Northern Arizona Normal—״ ...................״—״-- ״—״-...60 ״———— Sheep Sanitary Commission———.״ —,״״,, --״.״״-..................-—— 39 ־——— Summary General Appropriations.............................———————.........--,־״״:■ H Supreme Court .״״—.״.״.״...........................״״״״■...47 . V ’־ . /:'G '■ Tax Commission, State...........................——.............—....—״........89 — Tax Rate and Valuation for five years....................—..........4 ״״״״״.״.״״ Taxation Receipts and Other Sources for five years... ...4 ——.״ Tempe Normal School.............״.——״״.................״״״״״....——————..........68 Treasurer, State ..........—....״.....;.....................—.......43 ־-———״ ■ : v U L r U. of A. Summary, General.........................—........—........——״ • ־ ״...97 U. of A. Summary, Maintenance Fund—״................................——........98 — U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Administration Department.״״.................—.........99 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, College of Agriculture.״״...................102 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, College of Mines and Engineering—.............. 101 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, College of Liberal Arts................. 101 ..״״.-׳ U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Home Economics״״״..................... 105 —————— U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Law Department...״.............................״״......104 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Library —״״.....................— .׳״- 100 — ״״״ U. of A. Maintenancë Fund, Military — .............................——.....—.... 107 U. of A. Maintenance Fund, Museum and Archaeological.,״..........................104 .