651 PRIVATE TESTS, Tests made for private parties during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1901—Continued. For whom tested. State. Mass. Me. Conn. Mass. Nebr. Mass. Me. Mass. Mass. Me. Mass. Mass. Me. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. N. Y. Mass. Ohio. Mass. Ohio. R.I. Mass. Mass. Pa. N. Y. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. N. H. Vt. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. N. Y. Me. Me. Me. Name. City. New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. The Chapman Double Ball Bearing Co. Hood Rubber Co The Chapman Double Ball Bearing Co. North Woburn Rubber belting... Buoy shackles____ Steel bar........ Cast-iron push bars Sandstone....... Wall tie........ Shackles........ Cast-iron manhole covers. Steel .......... Hammered steel bars. Buoy shackles... Cast-i ron push bars Stockinet...... Swivel......... Paving bricks .. Poncho cloth... Cast-iron push bars Steel balls... Material. Anchor bolt...... Rubber belting... Steel bands...... Blocks........... Gauges........... Cloth............ Granite cubes---- Steel balls...... Stone cubes..... Tackle blocks___ Steel plate..... Bronze.......... Studded links — Rope............ Hooks and swivel head. Spliced rope'... Turn buckles---- Hammock duck.. Couplings....... Steel bar....... Marble.......... Steel plate..... Steel bars...... Anchor bolt..... Wall ties....... Shotgun barrel... Bronze.......... Shackles........ ....do........... 1901. Feb. 14 Mar. 11 12 Apr. 15 May 17 18 28 29 June 8 11 12 14 25 29