PRIVATE TESTS 650 Private Tests. TESTS MADE FOE PRIVATE PARTIES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE SO, 1901. For whom tested. State. City. Newton Mass. Boston Mass. Chicago 111. Boston Mass. Newton Mass. Boston Mass. Philadelphia Pa. Newton Mass. Utica N. Y. Boston Mass. Lynn Mass. Deadwood S.Dak. Bristol R.I. Boston Mass. Utica N. Y. Boston Mass. Lynn Mass. Boston Mass. Boston Mass. Hartford Conn. Quincy Mass. Amesbury Mass. Denver Colo. Hot Springs S.Dak. Boston Mass. New York N. Y. Boston Mass. Rock port Mass. Boston Mass. Quincy Mass. Boston Mass. Lynn Mass. Lawrence Mass. Waltham Mass. Boston Mass. Lynn M ass. Utica ... N. Y. Indianapolis Ind. Boston Mass. Chelsea Mass. Boston Mass. New Haven Conn. Boston Mass. Chelsea Mass. Boston Mass. Lynn Mass. Boston Mass. do Mass. International Automobile and Vehicle Tire Co. Boston Elevated Railway Co...... The Calumet Electric Street Railway Co. Boston Elevated Railway Co...... International Automobile and Vehicle Tire Co. Walworth Manufacturing Co....... Standard Roller Bearing Co...... Ira Copeland................... Savage Arms Co.................. E. J. H. Estabrook.............. George Lawley & Son Corporation.. American Ordnance Co............ F. A. Haines.................... National India Rubber Co........ Boston Elevated Railway Co...... Bay State Seam Face Granite Co ... Savage Arms Co.................. Houghton & Richards............. Boston Elevated Railway Co...... American Ordnance Co............ Clarence B. Depny............... Boston Elevated Railway Co...... Boston Elevated Railway Co...... Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. The Carton Belting Co........... S. R. Bailey & Co............... John G. Kerr.................... John L. Burke................... Boston and Lockport Block Co.... Durand Woodman.................. Standard Rope and Twine Co...... Boston Transit Commission....... Pigeon Hill Granite Co.......... The Ashton Valve Co............. The Carton Belting Co........... The Standard Rope and Twine Co.. The Lincoln-Dillaway Co......... The Ve.nesia Fire Proofing Co... American Ordnance Co......... Stanley Manufacturing Co..... Lally Patent Column Co....... John Medway.................. Benedict & Burnham Manufacturing Co. John Medway.................. Benedict & Burnham Manufacturing Co. American Ordnance Co..... Savage Arms Co........... E. C. Atkins & Co........ Boston Elevated Railway Co. Revere Rubber Co......... Boston Transit Commission.. Hinckley Brothers & Co-- Boston Transit Commission. The.Marlin Fire Arms Co........ Boston Transit Commission...... Revere Rubber Co............... Star Brass Manufacturing Co.... J. II. Lane & Co............... American Ordnance Co........... Star Brass Manufacturing Co.... The Chapman Double Ball Bearing Co. Date. Material. 1900. July 3 Motor tires 6 Cast iron Cast rail joints 9 Steel plates 17 Motor tire 19 Cast iron Steel bars 23 Adhesion of spikes 24 Steel specimen ... Aug. 8 Canton flannel... Wire rope 11 Cast iron 22 Sandstone Band steel 31 Rivet steel Sept. 5 Granite cubes — 12 Steel specimen ... 13 Iron specimen Rivet steel 14 Soft steel 21 Aluminum Malleable iron ׳... Oct. 5 Rivet steel Boiler plate 6 Belting 9 Carriage wheels.. 12 Lava stone 19 Sandstone 25 Blocks and straps. 26 Manila rope Nov. 1 do 3 Concrete prisms.. 12 Granite 13 H yd raulic gauges. 16 Canvas belting... 26 Cordage 27 Wire rope 30 Cement partition blocks. Dec. 12 Mild steel Cast steel 13 Columns 18 Paving bricks 19 Benedict nickel tubing. 20 Paving bricks 22 Tubing 1901. Jan. 7 Mild steel Steel specimen ... 8 Saw blades 8 Cast iron 10 Rubber belting... Adhesion of con- Crete to steel. 17 Bale rope 19 Adhesion of con- Crete to steel.. 24 Steel bars 28 Cement 29 Rubber belting... Feb. 1 Gauges Belting duck 2 Steel bars 7 8 Gauges 11 Steel balls