633 ENDURANCE OF ROTATING SHAFTS. Endurance of Rotating Shafts. Gautire steel. Marks, 1C¡¡. Turned down from rod 1J" diameter, 0.16 per cent carbon. Diameter, 1"; speed of rotation, 500 per minute. Length between end bearings, 33". Loaded over 4" length at middle. Deflections measured on chord of 10". Maximum fiber stress per square inch. Number of rotations. Micrometer readings for deflections. De- flec- tions. Sets. Remarks. Succes- sive. Total. On line. Un- load- ed. Load- ed. Un- load- ed. Pounds. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 40,000 0 0 a .1262 .0940 .1261 .0321 .0001 b .1263 .0943 . 1262 .0319 .0001 .1265 .0945 .1264 .0319 .0001 1,000 1,000 a .1261 . 0935 .1259 .0324 .0002 b . 1265 .0936 . 1257 . 0321 .0008 .1265 .0938 .1262 .0324 9,000 10,000 a . 1252 .0917 .1249 .0332 .0003 b .1260 . 0921 .1248 .0327 .0012 .1278 .0914 .1250 .0336 .0028 160,900 Rested 16 hours. 150,900 160,900 a . 1220 .0895 .1222 .0327 -.0002 b .1313 . 0963 . 1289 . 0326 .0024 .1265 .0937 . 1257 .0320 .0008 362,100 201,200 362; 100 a .1306 .0956 .1280 .0324 .0026 b . 1215 .0878 .1207 . 0329 .0008 . 1290 .0955 .1270 .0315 .0020 112,200 474,300 north of south mid- die bearing.