STRENGTH OF GLASS. 632 Transverse tests of glass from Watertown Arsenal storehouse. Double thick, blown glass. Dimensions. Span. Ultimate strength. Width. Thickness. Total. Modulus of rupture per square inch. Inches. Inch. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. 8 0.105 8 49 6,670 7.97 .122 8 68 6,880 7.95 .103 16 27 7,680 7.95 .112 16 20 4,810 7.96 .116 24 20 6,720 7.98 .120 24 20 6,270 Glass from the Watertown, Mass., public library, stack floor. Rough glass set on rectangular iron frames. Loads applied at the center on an iron follower 2" x2" with £׳' thickness of wet cardboard cushion. Dimensions of glass. Dimensions of frames, in the clear. Ultimate strength. No. of frag-merits. Length. Width. Thickness. Length. Width. Inches. Inches. Inch. Inches. Inches. Pounds. 35.50 17.75 0.50 34.60 17 514 7 35.40 10.75 .59 34.60 9.88 757 4 31.30 17.90 .51 ■ 30.30 17 547 6 19.65 17.75 .43 18.65 17 469 8 Tested with the smooth surface of the glass uppermost.