629 STRENGTH OF GLASS. WIRES PLATE, LEHR ANNEALED. 24-INCII SPAN. Factory. Description. Nominal thick- ness. Dimensions. Ultimate strength. Deflec- tion. Width. Thick- ness. Total. Modulus of rupture per square inch. Appert Mississippi Appert Mississippi Appert Sandwich rolled.. Solid rolled Sandwich rolled.. Solid rolled Sandwich rolled.. do Inch. I ! i Inches. 8.00 7.96 7.95 8.00 7.95 8.00 Inches. .28 .29 .37 .35 .54 .56 Pounds. 88 90 137 101 301 288 Pounds. 5,050 4,840 4,530 3,710 4,670 4,130 Inch. .15 .15 .10 .10 .08 .07 WIRED PLATE, LEHR ANNEALED. 16-INCH SPAN. Appert Sandwich rolled.. ! 8.00 .30 126 4,200 .04 X 7.99 .32 125 3,670 .05 Appert V. Sandwich rollôd.. i 8.00 .40 225 4; 220 .05 1 7. 95 .40 192 3,620 .04 Appert Sandwich rolled.. 7.98 .55 386 3^ 840 .03 do è 7.99 .53 375 4,010 .03 WIRED PLATE, LEHR ANNEALED. 8-INCH SPAN. ! 8.00 .26 247 5,480 x 7.99 .31 192 3,000 1 7.96 .38 468 4,880 ! 7.99 .39 469 4,630 8.00 .54 717 3,690 do 5 8.00 .55 890 4; 410 Transverse Tests. Lights supported at the ends, loaded at the middle. Comparison of strength of glass from different factories. ROUGH PLATE. 24-INCH SPAN. Nominal thick- Modulus of rupture per square inch. The stronger glass. Appert. Mississippi. Mean. £ inch Pounds. 5,890 Pounds. 7,820 Pounds. 6,855 !Mississippi. inch 6,640 5,260 5,950 Appert. 1 inch 7,410 6,310 6,860 Do. |inch 4,770 5,870 5,320 Mississippi. 1 -h inch 5,160 4,240 4,700 1 inch 4,890 (>, 030 5,460 > Factory not known. 1 inch 4,020 3,750 3,885 RIBBED PLATE. 24-INCH SPAN. Thickness. Modulus of rupture per square inch. The stronger glass. Appert factory. Mississippi factory. Pounds. 4,790 6,850 5,150 Pounds. 5,630 6,890 5,250 Mississippi. No practical difference. Very little difference.