608 CONCRETE AND MORTAR CUBES. Marks, 447. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 2; H” to 3״ pebbles, 4. Water used in mortar, 49.8 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year, 2 months. Weight per cubic foot, 148.8 pounds. Sectional area, 144.96 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Remarks. Pounds. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 14,496 100 0. 0. Initial load. 28,992 200 .0002 0. 48, 488 300 .0005 .0002 57,984 400 . 0008 . 0002 72,480 500 .0011 .0004 86,976 600 .0013 . 0005 E. =3,125,000 pounds per square inch. 101,472 700 . 0016 .0007 115,968 800 .0019 .0007 130,464 900 .0022 .0009 144,960 1,000 .0024 .0009 IE. =3,000,000 pounds per square inch. 173,952 1,200 .0031 .0011 202,944 1,400 .0038 .0013 231,936 1,600 .0045 .0016 |E. =2,000,000 pounds per square inch. 260,928 1,800 . 0053 .0019 289,920 2,000 .0063 .0023 ‘ \ 318,912 2,200 .0071 .0024 347,904 2,400 .0078 .0026 376,896 2,600 .0093 .0032 405,888 2,800 .0110 .0038 First crack. 434,880 3,000 .0135 . 0051 463,872 492,864 3,200 3,400 .0186 .0083 Ultimate strength. Marks, 461. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 2; 11" to %¡" broken brick, 4. Water used in mortar, 54.3 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year, 2 months. Weight per cubic foot, 130.6 pounds. Sectional area, 144.72 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Remarks. Pounds. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 14,472 100 0. 0. Initial load. 28,944 200 . 0002 0. 43,416 300 . 0004 . 0001 57,888 400 . 0006 . 0001 72,360 500 .0008 .0002 86,832 600 .0007 . 0003 E=6,250,000 pounds per square inch. 101,304 700 .0013 .0004 115,776 800 .0015 . 0004 130,248 900 .0019 . 0005 144,720 1,000 .0021 .0006 E=3,000,000 pounds per square inch. 173, 664 1,200 . 0029 . 0009 202, 608 1,400 . 0036 .0010 231,552 1,600 . 0041 .0011 E=l,923,000 pounds per square inch. 260,496 1,800 .0049 . 0014 289,440 2,000 . 0058 .0017 318,384 2,200 .0069 .0022 347,328 2,400 .0083 . 0030 376,272 2,600 .0101 .0040 405,216 2,800 . 0119 .0050 434,160 3,000 .0144 .0069 First crack. 463,104 501,000 3,200 3,462 .0195 .0107 Ultimate strength.