607 CONCRETE AND MORTAR CUBES. Marks, 475. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 3; li" to 2i" broken brick, 6. Water used in mortar, 86.0 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year, 1 month. Weight per cubic foot, 125.9 pounds. Sectional area, 144.60 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. • Set. Remarks. Pounds. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 14,460 100 0. 0. Initial load. 28,920 200 .0004 .0001 48,880 300 .0008 .0002 57,840 400 .0012 .0004 72,300 500 .0015 . 0005 86,760 600 .0019 .0007 E=2,083,000 pounds per square inch. 101,220 700 .0023 .0008 115,680 800 .0026 .0010 130,140 900 .0031 .0011 144,600 1,000 .0036 .0013 ] E=l,956,000 pounds per square inch. 173,520 1,200 .0044 .0016 202,440 1,400 .0056 .0021 231,360 1,600 .0068 . 0028 f E=l,389,000 pounds per square inch. 260,280 1,800 .0085 .0036 289,200 2,000 .0104 ' .0045 318.120 2,200 .0136 .0063 First crack. 347,040 355,000 2,400 2,455 .0151 .0068 Ultimate strength. Marks, 440. Composition: Norton’s Rosendale cement, 1; sand, 2; 2|" trap rock, 4. Water used in mortar, 86.6 per cent^of cement. Age, 1 year, 2 months. Weight per cubic foot, 147.6 pounds. Sectional area, 144.60 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Remarks. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Pounds. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 14,460 100 0. 0. Initial load. 28,920 200 .0022 .0018 43,380 300 .0065 .0056 57,840 400 .0119 .0106 72,300 500 .0186 .0168 First crack. 86,760 600 .0258 .0233 117,700 814 Ultimate strength.