605 CONCRETE AND MORTAR CUBES. Marks, 208. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 6; f" trap rock, 12. Water used in mortar, 146.7 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year. Sectional area, 144.48 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Remarks. Pounds. 14,448 28,896 43,344 57,792 72,240 86,688 101,136 115,584 124,300 Pounds. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 860 Inch. 0. .0006 . 0012 .0018 .0026 .0069 .0139 .0280 Inch. 0. .0001 .0001 .0001 . 0005 .0039 .0104 .0235 This specimen had been loaded with 500 pounds per square inch compression before the micrometer observations were begun. E=833,000 pounds per square inch. First crack and ultimate strength. The maximum load was sustained about 8 minutes, during which time failure of the cube slowly progressed, gaining near the end of the test. Marks, 387. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 2; 2£" trap rock, 7. Water used in mortar, 69.3 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year, 2 months. Weight per cubic foot, 154.6 pounds. Sectional area, 145.56 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Remarks. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Pounds. Powids. Inch. Inch. 14,556 100 0. 0. Initial load. 29,112 200 .0009 . 0006 43,668 300 . 0018 .0012 58,224 400 .0029 .0019 72,780 500 .0038 .0025 87,336 600 .0046 .0031 E=l,667,000 pounds per square inch. 101,892 700 .0055 .0037 116,448 800 .0063 .0043 131,004 900 . 0074 .0049 145,560 1,000 .0082 .0055 1 E=l,667,000 pounds per square inch. 174,672 1,200 .0100 . 0069 203,784 1,400 .0117 .0080 Ie=2,000,000 pounds per square inch. 232,896 1,600 .0135 .0091 [ 262,008 1,800 .0150 .0103 291,120 2,000 .0162 .0110 329,000 376,200 2,584 Ultimate strength.