603 CONCRETE AND MORTAR CUBES, Marks, 78. Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; granite dust, 2. Water used in mortar, 40.8 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year. Weight per cubic foot, 131.3 pounds. Sectional area, 144.00 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Remarks. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Pounds. Inch. Inch. Initial load. 14,400 100 0. 0. 25,800 200 . 0001 0. 57,600 400 . 0003 0. E=3,571,000 pounds per square inch. 86,400 600 . 0007 0. 115,200 800 . 0010 0. ] E=3,461,000 pounds per square inch. 144,000 1,000 .0013 0. 172,800 1.200 .0016 0. Ie=3,125,000 pounds per square Inch. 600 ׳201 1,400 .0019 0. 280,400 1,600 . 0022 0. j 259,200 1,800 . 0026 . 0001 288,000 2,000 .0030 . 0001 1 316,800 2,200 .0034 . 0002 345,600 2,400 .0039 . 0003 374,400 2,600 . 004:1 . 0003 403,200 2,800 .0047 .0005 432,000 3,000 .0053 .0007 460,800 3,200 .0061 .0009 489,600 3,400 .0067 .0011 518,400 3,600 .0076 .0013 547,200 3,800 .0084 .0016 576,000 4,000 .0098 . 0021 604,800 4,200 .0109 . 0024 633,600 4,400 .0126 .0033 662,400 4,600 . 0146 . 0042 691,200 695,000 4,800 4,826 .0168 .0054 First crack and ultimate strength. JVtarks 156• Composition: Alpha Portland cement, 1; sand, 2; f" trap rock, 4. Water used in mortar, 54.4 per cent of cement. Age, 1 year. W right per cubic foot, 144.1 pounds. Sectional area, 144.00 square inches. Gauged length, 5". Applied loads. In gauged length. Remarks. Total. Per square inch. Compres- sion. Set. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 14,400 100 0. 0. Initial load. 28,800 200 . 0002 0. 57,600 400 . 0006 0. E=2,778,000 pounds per square inch. 86,400 600 .0010 .0001 115,200 800 . 0013 . 0002 1 E=3,000,000 pounds per square inch. Ie=2,778,000 pounds per square inch. 144,000 1,000 .0018 .0003 172,800 1,200 . 0023 . 0004 201600 1,400 .0028 . 0006 230,400 1,600 .0033 .0008 ( 259,200 1,800 . 0040 . 0009 288,000 2, 000 . 0044 .0011 J 316,800 2,200 . 0052 . 0013 345,600 2,400 .0060 . 0016 374,400 2,600 .0070 . 0920 403,200 2,800 .0082 . 0025 432,000 3,000 . 0092 . 0028 460.800 516.800 3,200 3,589 .0115 .0039 First crack and ultimate strength.