599 CEMENTS---COMPRESSION OF HALF BRIQUETTES, Compression Tests of Halves of Tensile Briquettes. In this series, fragments of tensile briquettes were used, in which a wide range in strength had been found. The age of the material at the time of each test is stated in the table: Tensile bri- quette No. Brand. Tensile test. Compression test. Age in— Per square inch. Sectional area. Age. Total. Per square inch. Air. Wa- ter. Days. Days. Pounds. Sq. ins. 3Ios. Days. Pounds. Pounds. 25 Atlas 1 6 1,066 2.80 1 20 22,050 7,875 30 1 6 1,012 2.83 1 20 33,700 11,908 34 1 6 957 2.89 1 20 33,600 11,626 36 1 6 775 2.78 1 20 31,020 11,158 40 1 6 759 2.35 1 19 28,100 11,957 120 1 6 738 2.90 1 8 25,800 8,896 121 1 6 698 2.82 1 8 25,900 9,184 124 1 6 654 2.46 1 8 19,500 7,927 126 1 6 615 2.92 1 8 26,100 8,938 85 Storm King 1 6 174 2.27 1 15 8,300 3,656 86 1 6 331 2.56 1 15 10,620 4,148 87 1 6 354 2.37 1 15 8,100 3,418 89 1 6 189 2.24 1 14 8,640 3,857 91 7 372 2.53 1 14 2,988 95 7 443 2.16 1 14 7,020 3,250 96 7 543 2.26 1 14 7,540 3,336 167 1 6 714 2.26 24 12,500 5,531 168 1 6 670 2.36 24 13,300 5,635 173 1 6 755 2.91 23 16,500 5' 670 176 7 446 2.53 23 13'270 5,245 182 391 2.58 21 11,300 4'380 138 7 471 2.54 1 8 13,900 5,472 139 7 515 2.65 1 8 16,300 6^ 151 144 7 226 2.73 1 7 14' 400 5,275 145 7 279 2.56 1 14,300 5^586 245 1 6 298 2.22 13 3,840 1,730 246 1 6 332 2.67 13 5' 300 i; 985 247 7 99 2.37 13 4,720 l' 991 248 7 149 2.48 13 4' 520 1,822 249 7 139 2.20 13 4' 100 l'864 221 1 6 196 2.39 15 4,100 1,715 222 1 6 158 2.10 15 3'lSO 1,514 224 1 6 42 2.22 15 3', 120 1,405 225 1 6 81 2.22 3,020 1' 360 229 7 201 2.14 14 2,710 1,266 230 7 73 2.24 14 2' 710 l' 209 235 7 196 2.11 14 2,400 l' 137 236 99 2.03 14 2; 520 1,241 188 1 6 156 2.48 21 5,060 2,040 189 1 6 133 2.41 21 4' 920 2' 041 193 7 60 1.94 20 3^030 1,562 195 7 53 2.22 20 3,890 1,752 197 7 243 2.56 20 4' 660 1,820 198 7 225 2.35 20 4'550 1,936 201 7 275 2.28 20 4,420 1,939 202 1 6 144 2.33 18 4,180 1,794 203 1 6 173 2.33 18 4' 700 017 ״2 145 2.26 17 4,060 1,796 214 111 2.00 17 3i 020 1,510 216 7 307 2.17 16 1,733 219 339 2.22 16 4' 090 1,842 146 1 ־6 177 2.57 7,400 2,879 148 1 6 204 2.24 25 5' 940 2,652 156 7 419 2.33 25 5,900 2,532 163 7 351 2.48 25 5; 750 2; 318