Compres- sive strength per square inch. Pounds. 3,370 3.350 3.110 89 369 539 68 387 531 52 412 520 229 735 823 237 558 648 926 1.480 1,460 1.110 1.490 1.490 1,320 1,450 1,550 1,160 1,240 1,310 1,200 1.250 1,220 1,410 238 448 467 241 340 482 806 1,020 1.350 1,030 1,360 1.480 724 730 752 661 639 580 411 903 1,010 446 842 1,050 478 810 1,020 1,200 1,640 1,860 1,430 1,860 1,970 1.250 572 CEMENT----SET AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. MEAN RESULTS WITH 2-INCH CUBES—Continued. Brand. Class. Composition. Time of setting in air at temperature of— Ce- ment. Sand.־ Water. 0° F. 39° F. 70° F. Per c.t. Mos. Days. Mos Days. Mos Days. 26.0 1 7 26.0 1 13 26.0 3 Neat. 36.2 7 36.2 7 36.2 36.2 14 36.2 14 36.2 14 36.2 36.2 '21 36.2 21 36.2 33 36.2 33 36.2 33 36.2 3 36.2 3 7 36.2 a 15 34.4 15 34.4 34.4 14 34.4 34.4 14 34.4 32 34.4 32 7 34.4 32 34.4 15 34.4 34.4 34.4 32 34.4 34.4 9 34.4 16 36.7 30 36.7 30 7 36.7 30 36.7 3 36.7 3 36.7 3 14 37.1 30 37.1 30 7 37.1 30 14 37.1 3 37.1 3 7 37.1 3 15 37.1 30 37.1 37 37.1 14 37.1 3 37.1 3 8 37.1 3 15 38,4 32 1 improved. 38.4 32 7 38.4 32 38.4 2 38.4 2 7 38.4 2 14 38.4 3 1 38.4 3 7 38.4 3 14 35.9 30 35.9 30 35.9 30 14 35.9 2 35.9 2 7 35.9 2 14 35.9 3 2