521 CEMENT--RETARDED SETS, Josson Portland Cement. RETARDED SET SERIES, GROUTS. Original quantities: Cement, 90.5 pounds; water, 44 pounds=48.6 per cent. Mixed and allowed to remain over night, 15 hours, in the mixing-bed. Four and one-half pounds surplus water removed in the morning, leaving 39.5 pounds=43.7 per cent, in the mixture. Worked over and put into the molds. Age when tested, 30 days. Dimensions. Compressi vestrength. Num- ber. Height. Compressed surface. Sectional area. First crack. Total. Per square inch. Remarks. 1 Inches. 6.00 Inches. 6.08 Inches. 6.06 Sq. inches. 36.84 Pounds. 71,000 Pounds. 72,800 Pounds. 1,976 2 6.07 6.00 6.02 36.12 76,800 76,800 2,126 S 6.05 5.99 6.03 36.11 72,000 73,600 2,038 4 6.03 6.02 5.89 35.45 77,100 77,100 2,174 5 6.05 6.00 6.07 36.42 72,100 72,100 1,979 6 6.01 5. 99 6.10 36.53 76,000 76,000 2,080 7 6.00 6.02 5.92 35.63 82,100 82,100 2,304 8 6.07 6.05 6.08 36.79 74,300 74,300 2,019 Steel Slag Cement. RETARDED SET SERIES, GROUTS. Original quantities: Cement, 84.5 pounds; water, 43 pounds = 50.9 per cent. Mixed and allowed to remain over night, 15 hours, in the mixing bed. Worked over in the morning and put into molds. Age when tested, 30 days. Num- ber. Dimensions. Sectional area. First crack. Compressive strength. Remarks. Height. Compressed surface. Total. Per square inch. Inches. Inches. Inches. Sq. inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1 6.02 5.97 6.03 36.00 19,200 20,200 561 2 5.99 6.03 6.02 36.30 20,100 20,600 567 3 5.97 6.02 6.05 36.42 19,520 19,520 536 4 6.03 6.02 5.99 36.05 18,600 18,700 519 5 6.02 6.05 6.05 36.60 20,500 20,500 560 6 5.96 6.01 6.06 36.42 19,700 19,700 541 7 5.97 6.01 6.07 36.49 20,600 20,600 565 8 6.00 5. 98 6.09 36.41 21,300 21,300 585 4.02 4.03 3.97 15.95 7,680 7,680 482 1 1.94 2.02 2.01 4.07 1,170 1,360 334 2 1.93 2.06 2.01 4.14 1,420 1,580 382 3 2.02 1.96 2.05 4.01 1,560 1,560 389 4 2.02 1.94 2.02 3.91 1,720 1,740 . 458 Voids. 5 2.01 1.93 2.04 3.93 1,460 1,510 384 Do.