505 CEMENT--RETARDED SETS. Bonneville Improved, Natural Cement. RETARDED SET SERIES. Samples taken out at 2-hour intervals, excepting the first and last hours. Main batch of cement allowed to rest undisturbed in the mixing bed between the times of taking out samples, or when regauging. Age when tested, 34 days, excepting the 7-hour samples, which were 35 days old. Pounds. .............66.75 42.7 per cent= 28.5 Original quantities: Cement........ Water......... Water added to the main batch as follows: Interval after mixing, hours. Water used. Pounds. Per cent, approximate. 28.5 4.5 42.7 52.1 No more water was needed in this batch. Dimensions. Sectional area. First crack. Compressive strength. Remarks. Hours. Height. Compressed surface. Total. Per square inch. 0 Inches. 5.98 Inches. 6.03 Inches. 6.14 So. inches. 37.02 Pounds. 32,900 Pounds. 33,800 Pounds. 913 5.97 6.02 6.15 37.02 28,300 32,500 878 Voids. 1 5.97 6.03 6.02 36.30 10,500 11,700 322 2 6.03 5.93 6.02 35.70 8,400 13,800 387 4 6.01 5.93 5.96 35.34 9,900 • 13,700 388 6 6.05 5.99 5.98 35.82 13,600 13,900 388 7 4.00 4.01 3.95 15.83 4,600 6,480 409 7 4.01 3.99 3.97 15.84 6,200 6,900 435 7 4.00 4.06 3.98 16.15 6,300 6,950 430