487 CEMENT. In the following table are the results on material in the cake, set in air, which was exposed to different temperatures while setting. One-quarter of a 2" cube was used in each determination. Brand. Specific gravity and marks of identification, cubes which set in air at temperatures of— 70° F. 36° F. 0° F. Specific gravity. Marks. Specific gravity. Marks. Specific gravity. Marks. Star 2.181 Feb. 8 2.233 Jan. 22 2.190 Feb. 8 Storm King 1.961 Feb. 4 2.084 Jan. 24 2.224 Jan. 28 Alsen 1.978 Feb. 19 2.093 Feb. 19 2.036 Feb. 6 Josson 1.932 Feb. 20 2.138 Feb. 20 2.012 Feb. 15 Steel 1.705 Feb. 21 1.797 Feb. 21 1.749 Feb. 13 Austin 1.869 Feb. 12 1.832 Feb. 12 1.940 Feb. 6 Bonneville Improved 1.605 Feb. 18 1.793 Feb. 18 1.820 Feb. 7 Hoffman 1.618 Feb. 11 1.938 Jan. 25 1.908 Feb. 11 Norton 1.579 Feb. 23 1.790 Jan. 21 1.911 Jan. 19 Obelisk 1.659 Feb. 16 1.931 Feb. 16 1.884 Feb. 7 The marks indicate the dates on which the cubes were made. Those of the same brand and date came from the same batch of mixed material. The results which next follow were obtained on material in the cake as described for the last table, but drying each sample before determining its specific gravity by heating for three hours at the temperature of 110° C. Specific gravity and marks of identification, cubes which set in air at temperatures of— Brand. 70° F. 0° F. Specific gravity. Marks. Specific gravity. Marks. 2.071 Feb. 8 2.003 1.953 Feb. 4 1.912 1.887 Feb. 19 1.875 Feb. 6 1.910 Feb. 20 1.750 Feb. 13 1.564 Feb. 21 1.380 1.564 Feb. 12 1.538 Feb. 12 1.577 Feb. 18 1.466 Feb. 7 1.606 Feb. 11 1.505 Feb. 11 1.558 Feb. 23 1.512 1.653 Feb. 16 1.483 Feb. 7 In the next table are shown results obtained upon material in the cake which was mixed with large quantities of water. The inner portions of 2" and 4" cubes furnished the samples on which the determinations were made. These grout mixtures were allowed to remain in the mixing bed different periods of time until the water was absorbed by the cement and a pasty state acquired, when the material was placed in the molds. The column headed “Hours retarded” states the interval between the time of mixing and when the material was put into the molds. The specific gravity determinations were made when the cubes