454 BRONZE AND BRASS. CONSOLE BRONZE—Continued. Marks. Description. Elastic limit per square inch. Tensile strength per square inch. Elonga- tion. Contrac- tion of area. Appearance of fracture. Specific gravity. Elongation of inch sections. 5 L I) Recoil buffer, console metal. Riser, forged from 3"x 4 ' to 1« xl+ Riser, elevating, slide nut, forged Pounds. 26,800 21,200 17,000 18.400 15,600 20.400 Pounds. 57,200 50,840 65.000 35,920 34,400 48.000 Per cent. 27.5 44.7 35.5 3.0 3.5 7.0 Per cent. 30.6 47.2 37.1 5.0 5.0 8.4 Uniform light yellow, £" seam at center Uniform light yellow Golden, with dark spots ״ ״ // // 22 .,*33 . 36. ,41. ,*57. *42. ,29. 04. ,02. 05. ,02. *08. ,06. ... MANGANESE BRONZE. .07*,. 02 .30, .38* .23* .18*,. 13 20,000 20,000 19,000 18,500 37,560 72,500 69,450 59,900 4.5 34.0 23.0 15.5 11.8 27.4 20.5 16.9 Light yellow, golden spots, with 30 per cent dark brown, spongy. Uniform light yellow - Light yellow, with black spots 5״ barbette cradle.............. ....do........................... ....do........................;־• Recoil spring centers, /״ mortar CONNECTION, CAST BY THE WALWORTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. SPECIMENS FROM A 4-WAY HYDRAULIC 11,240 25,210 7.0 10.7 Uniform light yellow - ----- Light lavender yellow, opened cracks along .08*,. 06 .07, .10* 15,870 26,460 8.5 L