WROUGHT IRON 446 No. 7423. Norway Iron. Diameter, 1".129. Sectional area, 1 square inch. Gauged length, 10". Applied loads per square inch. In gauged length. Elonga- tion. Set. Remarks. Pounds. Inches. Inch. 1,000 0. 0. • 5,000 ■ .0013 0. 10,000 .0031 20,000 21,700 22,000 .0071 .0001 Elastic limit. .0650 23,000 .2130 24,000 .25 ' 26,000 .33 28,000 .40 30,000 .48 32,000 .59 . 34,000 .70 35,000 .81 .80 Rested without load 1 day. 1,000 0. 0. 5,000 .0012 0. 10,000 .0029 20,000 . 0062 30,000 .0094 35,000 .0110 0. Micrometer reset at zero on 8" of the original gauge:! 36,000 .0114 length. 38,000 . 0121 39,000 .0125 0. 40,000 .0129 .0002 40,500 .0138 41,000 .1550 41,000 .99 42,000 1.05 43,000 1.15 44,000 1.35 44,900 2.15 ..... Tensile strength. 0 3.20 = 32 per cent. Elongation of inch sections: ".20, ".26, ".30, ".46, ".78*, ".29, ".26, ".23, ".23, ".19. Diameter at fracture, ".64; area, .322 square inch. Contraction of area, 67.8 per cent. Appearance of fracture, fibrous.