WROUGHT IRON 444 No. 7421. Norway Iron. Diameter, 1".129. Sectional area, 1 square inch. Gauged length, 10". Applied loads per square inch. In gauged length. Elonga- tion. Set. Remarks. Pounds. Inches. Inch. 1,000 0. 0. 5,000 .0015 0. 10,000 .0034 Elastic limit below 20,000 pounds. 20,000 .0300 .0231 21,000 .0430 22,000 .1200 23,000 .23 24,000 .25 25,000 .29 .28 Rested without load 1 day. 1,000 0. 0. 5,000 .0011 0. 10,000 .0027 20,000 .0058 25,000 .0073 0. ^Micrometer reset .at zero on 8" of the original gauged 28,000 .0081 0. length. 29,000 .0083 29,500 .0086 .0002 30,000 .0979 31,000 .42 32,000 .47 34,000 .55 36,000 .70 38,000 .86 40,000 1.14 42,000 1.78 42,520 2.45 Tensile strength. 0 3.37 =33.7 per cent. Elongation of inch sections: ".22, ".25, ".28, ".28, ".25, ".25, ".50, ".78*, ".32, ".24. Diameter at fracture, ".61; area, .292 square inch. Contraction of area, 70.8 per cent. Appearance of fracture, fibrous.