STEEL EYEBARS. 410 No. 11397. Sectional ar׳ea, 3.681 square inches. Gauged length, 160". Remarks. Initial load. Elastic limit. Elongation 2 seconds later than first observation. Tensile strength. =14.7 per cent. Applied loads per square inch. In gauged length. Elongation. Set. Pounds. Inches. Inches. 1,000 0. 0. 5,000 .0244 .0005 10,000 . 0529 .0008 15,000 .0812 .0013 16,000 .0867 17,000 . 0922 18,000 .0978 19,000 . 1022 20,000 .1090 .0017 21,000 .1145 22,000 . 1203 23,000 .1257 24,000 .1316 25,000 .1375 .0035 26,000 .1435 27,000 .1498 28,000 • .1562 29,000 .1653 30,000 .1830 .0220 31,000 . 2222 / .7800 32,000 i . 8220 .6461 33,000 1.03 34,000 2.10 35,000 2.97 ! 36,000 3.22 i 37,000 3. 44 38,000 3.72 ' 39,000 3.98 40,000 4.35 41,000 4.67 ; 0 23.59 Elongation of pin holes, ".52 and ".96. Elongation of 10-inch sections, 1.26,1.60,1.88, l.oO, 1.37, 1.34,1.36, 1.34, 1.32, 1.39, 2.82% 1.93, 1.21, 1.10, 1.07, 1.10. Area at fracture, 3".00 X ".57 = 1.71 square inches. Contraction of area, 53.5 per cent. Fractured near middle of length of stem. Appearance, silky. <970 >