409 STEEL EYEBABS. STEEL EYEBARS. These bars were tested for Mr. George S. Morison, C. E., New York. They were made at the Pencoyd Iron Works, which furnished the following record of the physical test and chemical analysis of the material: Heat, 10.4464. Size, 4" flat. Dimensions of test piece, 1".800 X ".875. Sectional area, 1.566 square inches. Elastic limit, 38,380 pounds per square inch. Tensile strength, 59,380 pounds per square inch. Elongation in 8 inches, 2".40 = 30 per cent. Area at fracture, 1".50 X ".60 = .75 square inch. Contraction of area, 52.1 per cent. Appearance of fracture, silky, cup. Bend, 180° flat. Carbon, .20. Sulphur, .04 Phosphorus, .02. Manganese, .45.