HELICAL SPRINGS. 392 Tension Tests of Brake Lever Springs for 12" Mortar Carriage. No. of test. Marks. Height. Unloaded. Load of 244 pounds. Unloaded. 10,274 1 Inches. 2.48 Inches. 3.93 Inches. 2.53 10,275 11 2. 47 3.92 2.55 10,276 111 2.50 3.99 2.59 10,277 1111 2.49 3.95 2.56 Springs th en loaded w ith 50 pounc Is. 10,274 1 2.53 Load of 50 pounds. 2.84 2.53 10,275 11 2.55 2.84 2.55 10,276 111 2.59 2. 89 2.59 10,277 1111 2.56 2.86 2.56