HELICAL SPKINGS, 386 COMPRESSION TESTS—Continued. Description. Height. Load sustained. Remarks. Inches. Pounds. Eighth spring 12.25 17,700 12.21 18,000 9.75 45,600 9.63 47,200 Closed down. 9.75 44,080 11.80 18,000 12.25 13,320 Ninth spring 12.25 15,780 12.04 18,000 9.75 44,800 9.70 45,400 Closed down. 9.75 43,800 11.70 18,000 12.25 12,660 Tenth spring 12.25 17,560 12.17 18,000 9.75 45,500 9.68 46,200 Closed down. 9.75 44,720 11.82 18,000 12.25 13,720 Eleventh spring 12.25 18,000 At 38.800 pounds the inner coil spring fractured at the second turn of coil.. Twelfth spring 12.26 18,000 12.25 18,100 9.75 45,800 Closed down. 11.87 18,000 12.25 14,340 Thirteenth spring 12.38 18,000 12.25 19.740 9.75 48,000 9.65 49,700 Closed down. 9.75 46,800 11.98 18,000 12.25 15,040 Fourteenth spring 12.25 16,700 12.11 18,000 9.75 44,620 9.68 45,900 Closed down. 9.75 43,800 11.72 18,000 12.25 12,340 Fifteenth spring 12.25 16,520 12.09 18,000 9.75 42,800 9.55 45,200 Closed down. 9.75 41,320 11.66 18,000 12.25 12,080 Sixteenth spring 12.25 17,700 12.21 18,000 9.75 44,600 9.70 45,600 Closed down. 9.75 44,300 11.83 18,000 12.25 13,800 Seventeenth spring 12.25 15,080 11.98 18,000 9.75 44,200 9.67 45,000 Closed down. 9.75 42,600 11.56 18,000 12.25 11,200 Eighteenth spring 12.27 18,000 12.25 18,400 9.75 45,800 9.63 46,700 Closed down. 9.75 44,760 11.85 18,000 12.25 14,200