381 RETRACTION AND BUFFER BRACKET HOOKS. Retraction and Buffer Bracket Hooks. Steel castings for barbette carriage for 12-inch B. L. rifle, model 1892. BUFFER BRACKET. Measurements for distortion of hook taken from point of hook to corner of body of bracket. Applied loads. Distortion of hook. Pounds. Inch. 35,000 .07 40,000 .12 45,000 .19 50,000 .30 1,000 .24 Applied loads. Distortion of hook. Pounds. Inch. 1,000 0. 10,000 0. 20,000 .01 25,000 .02 30,000 .04 The two 2-inch bolts securing the bracket to a fixing plate in the testing machine were distorted and were with difficulty removed from place. BUFFER BRACKET. Applied loads. Distortion of hook. Applied loads. Distortion of hook. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Inch. 1,000 0. 35,000 .06 10,000 0. 40,000 .09 20,000 .01 45,000 .15 25,000 .02 50, 000 .25 30,000 .03 1,000 .19 RETRACTION HOOK. 1,000 0. 35,000 .03 10,000 0. 40,000 .03 20,000 .01 45,000 .04 25,000 .02 50,000 .05 30,000 .02 1,000 .03 RETRACTION HOOK. 1,000 0. 35,000 .05 10,000 0. 40,000 .07 20,000 .01 45,000 .12 25,000 .02 50,000 .15 30,000 .04 1,000 .10