CAST IliON AND PIG IKONS Anchor Bolts for Gun Carriages. Tension specimens. K- s»"-M Bending specimens. /'^'4---------^ H- 10״ —H No. of test. Description. Diam- eter. Sectional area. Elastic limit per square inch. Tensile strength per square inch. Elongation in 8 inches. Contraction of area. Appearance or fracture. Elongation of inch sections. Bending tests. Inches. Sq. inches. Pounds. Pounds. Per cent. Per cent. Silky, cup-shaped. 10284 lHnch bolt, for Portland, Me. 1.125 1.00 34,800 58,780 31.1 62.6 ,31 .״ ,24.״ ,20.״ ,24.״ ,32.״ ,*76.״ .19 .״ ,23 .״ Bent cold 180°, and closed down upon itself without fracture on tension side of 10385 2H’nch bolt, for Portland, Me. 1.129 1.00 26,600 59,900 29.4 40.6 Silky, spotted with lighter-colored metal. ,31.״ ,23.״ ,22." ,28.״ ,37.״ *52.״ .17 .״ ,25.״ Bent cold 180°, and closed down without fracture. 05 •^1 •