349 INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS, Muzzle Slice. Interior diameter, 4".25; exterior diameter, 9".01. Original diameters of rings in the slice. Rings. Diameters. A. B. Mean. Inches. 4.3908 5.1490 7.1408 8.8612 Inches. 4.3973 5.1528 7.1515 8.8576 Inches. 4.39405 5.1509 7.14615 8.8594 3 Kings 1 and 4 detached; rings 2 and 3 in the slice. Rings. Diameters. A. B. Mean. Inches. Inches. Inches. 4.3934 4.3992 4.3963 5.1492 5.1529 5.15105 7.1417 7.1523 7.1470 4 detached 8.8613 8.8493 8.8553 RINGS ALL DETACHED. ! 5.1520 5.1550 5.1535 3 detached 7.1395 7.1504 7.14495 Muzzle strains released. Rings. Diameters. A. B. Mean. Inch. + .0026 + .0002 +.00v9 + .0001 Inch. + .0019 + .0001 + .0008 -.0083 Inch. + .00225 + .00015 + .00085 -.0041 SECOND TO THIRD PHASES. + .0028 + .0021 +.00245 3 detached -.0022 -.0019 -.00205 FIRST TO THIRD PHASE. +.0030 +.0022 + .0026 3 detached -.0013 -. 0011 -.0012