INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS, 324 Tube 11837 Bs. Breech Slice. State of internal strains and stresses at different phases of the slice slice intact: Interior diameter of slice, 4".73; exterior diameter of slice, 10".43 Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. 1 Inches. 4.88695 5.6467 9.6528 10.26475 Inch. Inch. . 00905 .00485 Pounds. Pounds. 55,500 25,800 2 3 .0068 .0030 21,100 8,800 4 Rings 1 and 4 detached; rings 2 and 3 in the slice. Interior diameter of slice, 5".5; exterior diameter of slice, 9".8. Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. Inches. 4.8960 5.6450 9.6517 10.26175 Inch. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. 2 . 00655 34,800 3 .0057 17,700 RINGS ALL DETACH El). 5.65155 9.6460