INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS. 300 Tube 11791 B,. Muzzle Slice. (#" discard.) Bore eccentric. Ring 4, minimum thickness, ".15: maximum thickness, ".32. State of internal strains and stresses at different phases of the slice. Slice Intact. Interior diameter of slice, 4". 17; exterior diameter of slice, 8".62. 3 4 Rings, Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Co־ ípres-sion. Tension. Compres- sion. 1 Inches. 4.3272 5.14935 7.1444 8.27855 Inch. Inch. .0037 .00095 Pounds. Pounds. 25,600 5,500 2 3 .00275 .0032 11,500 11,600 4 Rings 1 and 4 detached; rings 2 and 3 in the slice. Interior diameter of slice, 5".0; exterior diameter of slice, 7".3. Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. 1 detached Inches. 4.3309 5.14875 7.1439 8.27535 Inch. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. 2 . 00155 9,000 .00225 9,400 4 detached BINGS ALL DETACHED. 5.1503 7.14165 2 detached 3 detached