276 INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS. Tube 11784 Bt. Muzzle Slice. State of internal strains and stresses at different phases of the slice SLICE INTACT. Interior diameter of slice, 419 .״; exterior diameter of slice, 857.״. Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. Inches. 4.35735 5.14265 7.14775 8.1140 Inch. Inch. .0056 . 0020 Pounds. Pounds. 38,600 11,700 2 '׳14,900 22,600 . 00355 .0061 Rings 1 and 4 detached; rings 2 and 3 in the slice. Interior diameter of slice, 5"•; exterior diameter ot slice, 7 .3. 1 5 | 2._ g P 1 tí U U £ Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. Inches. 4.36295 5.1422 7.14765 8.1079 Inch. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. ''"."66345*' . 00245 "״500',3.4 4 detached RINGS ALL DETACHED. 5.14465 7.1442